How to get rid of mice behind stove

The kitchen stove is the last place you want a mouse to go in your house, so you should read about how to keep mice out of stove. I have six excellent tips here, so you should be reading this article until the end. 

Contents show

1 Tips To Keep Mice Out Of Stove

1.1 Tip #1. Look for feces

1.2 Tip #2. Make a water-vinegar solution

1.3 Tip #3. Seal all possible entrants

1.4 Tip #4. Use mouse traps

1.5 Tip #5. Store foods properly

1.6 Tip #6. Clean outdoor space

2 It’s A Wrap!

It’s a shame that ovens are such a popular hiding place for tiny hairy creatures. They build their nests in gaps and cracks around stoves to feed on the crumbs that gather.

Mice are extremely rare in ovens, but when they do appear, they can cause considerable damage. Using the proper method will ensure that mice are permanently eradicated. For instance, you can use vinegar to clean out the oven of mouse droppings. Keep reading to find out more about this.


Tips To Keep Mice Out Of Stove

If your kitchen has an off-putting stench, mice are probably living there. To remove odors and food splashes from your oven caused by mice, follow the cleaning tips below. Here are the tips on how to keep mice out of stove:


Tip #1. Look for feces

Start by looking for feces and then separating the detachable parts to clean the hidden components. It will help if you unplug your oven’s power cord from an electrical outlet or the wall socket.


Tip #2. Make a water-vinegar solution

Put the vinegar and water in a pot and bring to a boil. Use the water-vinegar solution to get rid of microorganisms and odors that could lead to illness. You can clean drawers with this solution as well. If the smell of urine is still coming from the oven, try using the broiler setting for a long time. Heat it to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and leave it there until the odor and bacteria are gone. It may be helpful to read how to clean burnt stove top. 


Tip #3. Seal all possible entrants

Look for a way to get rid of the mice that have invaded your home. Mice are a widespread problem in homes, but figuring out why they are is difficult. They are active at night when their predators are sleeping, making them nocturnal. While mice may be absent during the day, there are a few indications that they will reappear as the sunsets. Look for any holes or openings on the outside, as well as any dirt or oily buildup. When a mouse squeezes through a tiny opening, its oily fur may rub against the hole’s edges.

Once you’ve located the possible entry points, seal them completely. Fix any holes or gaps you find inside or outside your house to keep mice out of your kitchen. Keep in mind that a single mouse can squeeze through a hole that is a little larger than a cent.

Depending on the gap size, you can fill greater holes with lath metal, lath screen, metallic sheets, hardware cloth, or even cement. Flashing can be used to seal any cracks or gaps in the home’s foundation. These sealing chemicals are available at your local hardware shop if you need them for the sealing process.


Tip #4. Use mouse traps

One mouse in your kitchen means you’ve got a swarm on your hands. Mice can procreate sexually, which is unexpected considering their small size. They have up to 10 litter every year, with each containing three to fourteen babies.

You can use different trapping techniques to catch mice and reduce or eliminate their presence in your home, especially in the kitchen. If you decide to adopt the humane, live-catch method of trapping mice, release the mouse far away from your home regardless of whether you kill it or catch it alive.

You should never set a mousetrap in an area where children, pets, or small animals can get to it. For example, setting up mouse traps in a high-traffic area such as a kitchen is probably not a good idea. If you care about the safety of your loved ones, friends, and pets, you should reconsider using mouse traps in your yard.


Tip #5. Store foods properly

Mice will consume anything from grains to seeds to leaves to insects. So if you have mice in your kitchen, you can bet they’ll devour everything from bread crumbs to soap scum to everyday items like cotton balls and paper towels.

Plastic bags, containers, and cartons, particularly those that hold food, are all targets for these creatures’ gnawing teeth. Because of this, the easiest method to make your kitchen less appealing to mice is to store and maintain your food supplies properly.

Despite their small size, mice are agile and adaptable, allowing them to mount walls and counters easily. To avoid this, store your food in airtight, sealed containers on your counters or in your cabinets.


Tip #6. Clean outdoor space

To make a home for themselves, mice prefer to nest in dark places near a food source, such as under stacks of wood or in storage rooms. They favor soft materials like paper, leaves, or worn-out rags to hide in.

It’s possible that mice will take advantage of any of these items on your property if the weather turns cold and they come inside. As a preventative measure, remove any accumulated leaves or wood chips from your property. Also, keep an eye out for plants and nesting materials that connect your kitchen to the exterior of your home.

What is the fastest way to get rid of mice in the kitchen?

Vacuum any droppings. Disinfect any areas that they have contaminated, and dispose of any affected food. The most effective way to get rid of mice is to enlist the help of a professional exterminator.

How do I keep mice out of my kitchen stove?

Mice can get through a quarter-inch gap, so block all possible entrances — like the tiny space around electrical and gas lines for example — with wads of steel wool. Rodents dislike peppermint, so cotton balls soaked with peppermint oil left on the floor behind the stove might help if a mouse gets in.

Do mice live behind ovens?

They absolutely can. Appliances offer protected nesting spaces, heat, and often easy access to a food source. While this is a great deal for the mice, it's not great for you. After all, mice don't pay rent, and they can cause damage to your appliances and pose a health risk to you and your family.

What scent will keep mice away?

Peppermint oil is also a frequent recommendation for deterring mice in the home. Like other essential oils, peppermint oil has shown varied repellent effects on wildlife.


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