How to heal wisdom teeth holes faster

If you have an impacted wisdom tooth or severely decayed tooth that cannot be saved, you may need a tooth extraction. A tooth extraction involves the surgical removal of the entire tooth under anesthesia, either local or general, depending on the tooth’s condition and the complexity of the extraction.

Although tooth extractions are a safe and simple procedure, the initial recovery period from surgery can take between one to two weeks. If you follow the right aftercare regime, you can speed up the recovery process.

1. Rest

It is crucial to get adequate rest after your tooth extraction. Avoid strenuous activity and any tasks that require you to bend over or lift heavy objects because this can increase the blood pressure in your head, leading to bleeding at the surgical site.

You can manage post-surgical swelling and bleeding by resting with your head elevated on a pillow. This allows lymph and blood to flow away from the extraction site, reducing inflammation and allowing you to heal faster.

2. Eat a Soft Food Diet

A nutrient-rich diet provides your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to promote cell renewal and wound healing. However, it is vital to avoid hard, crunchy, or chewy foods during your recovery to minimize irritation to the empty tooth socket.

Eating a soft food diet allows you to get the nutrition you need without damaging the soft tissue around your surgical site. For the first few days following your procedure, fruit smoothies, lukewarm blended soup or broth, yogurt, oatmeal, scrambled eggs, mashed avocado, and soft fish, like tilapia or Alaskan pollock are excellent and nutritious options.

3. Avoid Using a Straw or Smoking

Drinking through a straw or smoking creates negative pressure in your mouth, which can dislodge the blood clot that forms in the tooth’s socket. If the blood clot is dislodged, you are at risk of developing a painful health complication known as dry socket. Dry socket can lead to severe infections, deteriorate jaw bone, and damage nerves.

4. Cold Therapy

Post-surgical swelling can last for up to a week after your tooth extraction, peaking around day three. Excessive swelling can hinder the healing process, extending your recovery time.

Manage swelling by applying a cold pack to the affected side of your face intermittently for 15 minutes at a time. The cold not only slows blood flow to decrease swelling, but it also numbs the area, reducing your discomfort. Cold therapy is typically only effective for the first 48 hours after surgery.

5. Use Over-the-Counter Medications

Once the anesthesia from the extraction wears off, you may feel some discomfort at the surgical site. While the discomfort should pass after several days, you can manage painful symptoms with over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications.

Do not use medications for more than three days consecutively, and take the dosage recommended by the manufacturer. If the pain persists, it may be a symptom of an underlying issue, such as an infection or dry socket, and you should contact your dentist immediately.

6. Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

Although you can’t brush or floss the extraction site for one to two days after the procedure, you can remove food debris and prevent infection by rinsing with a salt water solution made with a teaspoon of table salt dissolved in a cup of warm water. Gently swish the solution in your mouth morning, evening, and after eating.

Continue to brush and floss your remaining teeth twice per day. But avoid rinsing with alcohol-based mouthwashes to prevent irritation to the tooth socket.

Visit TruBlu Dentistry for Compassionate Dental Care

If you need a tooth extraction, the dental team at TruBlu Dentistry can help. Our experienced dentists use the latest in comfortable, painless dental technology and provide detailed aftercare instructions to help you recover faster. Call our practice today to schedule your appointment.

Wisdom teeth removal is a dental treatment that most people will need at some point in their life. If you are planning to have your wisdom teeth removed, then it is important that you plan a few days for recovery after the treatment. During this time, there are a few things that you can do to speed up the recovery time.

The time for recovery varies depending on each person. Some people experience minor discomfort and pain, while other people have quite a bit of swelling and even bruising. These symptoms vary depending on how difficult the extraction was.

Here are a few things that you can do to have a fast recovery:

Pain Management

Pain is unavoidable, but there are a few options to manage the pain. Your dentist will make recommendations about medications that can be used. You can choose between over-the-counter solutions, such as Tylenol or ibuprofen. If something stronger is needed, then you might have a prescription medication that can be used.

Keep in mind that it is best to avoid aspirin after wisdom tooth removal. Aspirin can make the wound bleed and it can also slow down the clotting process. You can also use ice packs on your cheeks to reduce swelling and manage pain.

Caring for the Wound

It is normal for the socket to ooze for about a day after the teeth have been removed. During this time, you should use precautions to keep the wounds clean to avoid infection. If the sockets are still bleeding, then you can bite down on gauze for 20 minutes at a time. Sometimes, patients think that the bleeding is more severe than it is since the blood mixes with saliva.

Don’t rinse your mouth during the first few days because the rinsing motion can dislodge the clots in the sockets. If the clots come out, then you could experience quite a bit of pain and discomfort, commonly referred to as a dry socket.

Food and Drink during Recovery

After your wisdom teeth are removed, you need to be cautious about your diet for a few days. Avoid hot drinks and don’t use a straw to drink fluids. It is best to take small sips of fluid.

Food choices should be focused on soft things that don’t need a lot of chewing. Eat with small bites to minimize chewing. Examples of good menu options include soup, applesauce, Jello, pudding, smoothies, and other similar types of food.

When you have your wisdom teeth removed, you will receive other detailed instructions from the dental staff about how to care for your wounds. For more information about wisdom teeth removal, we invite you to contact our office to schedule an appointment.

How long will it take for wisdom teeth holes to heal?

The area around a wisdom tooth extraction typically closes within six weeks. In the next several months, those sockets will fill with bone. During the six weeks, it will take the site to close, it is important to keep the area clean and make sure food isn't trapped in the socket area.

What helps wisdom teeth heal faster?

For speedy healing, oral surgeons recommend the following:.
Get plenty of rest and keep your head elevated..
Take your pain medication as directed..
Use ice packs for the first 48 hours, then switch to warm packs..
After 24 hours have passed, rinse your mouth with warm salt water several times a day..

How do you get rid of holes after wisdom teeth removal?

how to clean out wisdom teeth holes. The day after surgery, you will rinse your mouth after each meal for 3 days with warm saltwater. On day 4, you will use the given plastic syringe to irrigate the lower sockets after each meal (3-5 times a day), if given to you.

How do I know if my wisdom teeth holes are healing properly?

After about 3 days, the empty tooth socket will have mostly healed. There should be no more bleeding present, and swelling should be minimal at this point. You may still experience some tenderness or soreness, but you should no longer feel pain or discomfort.