How to relieve jaw pain after tooth extraction

After having multiple teeth extracted, it’€™s important to follow the advice of your oral surgeon so you can have a smooth recovery. Although the process of removing several teeth is not different from that of removing a single tooth, you may need longer to recover. Here is a look at what to expect from this kind of oral surgery in San Diego.

Some bleeding is normal after the procedure. You can place gauze over the area and apply gentle pressure for 30 minutes, or apply a moist tea bag to the area. Keep your head elevated to discourage excessive bleeding. Oral surgeons recommend using ice for only the first 36 hours and applying the packs continuously while awake. Take over-the-counter pain medication for mild discomfort or any pain medication prescribed by your oral surgeon for more intense pain. Always check the bottle for your recommended dose. If your pain worsens or does not subside after two days, contact your oral surgery office and schedule a consultation with your oral surgeon.  If you have been prescribed antibiotics, always finish the entire dose, even if your symptoms have subsided. Drink plenty of liquids and stick to a soft food diet until you are comfortable chewing. Report intense pain to your oral surgeon right away, as this could be a symptom of an infection.

Oral surgeons in San Diego often recommend teeth extractions to preserve patients’€™ oral health and aesthetic appearance. While wisdom teeth removal and tooth extraction may initially seem like daunting surgeries, new developments in modern oral surgery have minimized pain and recovery time.

A dental patient fears the post-treatment pain the most. If the pain comes as a surprise in some other part of the mouth, then it disappoints even more. There may be a couple of reactions after the surgery of the tooth. One of the reactions may include severe pain in the jaw. Most of the time, pain in the jaw occurs due to wisdom tooth extraction. The pain may occur as a trauma to the mouth. The jawbone pain after a tooth extraction is not easy to deal with, specifically when it hurts badly and affects the entire body. This is because the tissues tear apart and may expand the bone of the jaw. This may cause them to swell.

Stuck Jaw

The stuck jaw may also cause jawbone pain after tooth extraction. It may be a result of jawbone injury too. If the dentist gives an injection after the surgery, then an; as a result, it may also cause the jaw to lock. Sometimes, the locked jaw is the reason for a dry socket in the mouth. A dry socket develops when the blood does not flow to the mouth.

Treatment and Precautions

The dentists advise to eat soft foods and rinse the mouth after every few hours with saltwater. Similarly, the application of ice helps to ease the pain. It needs medical attention and surgical care at the earliest. Therefore, medications must be taken to ease the pain if icing doesn’t work as well. Antibiotics help too if there is an infection of the mouth.


With proper attention, the individual may recover from jawbone pain after tooth extraction. It takes approximately 2-3 days for the swelling to pass away. The individual can get back to performing the normal activities post the treatment. However, if the problem persists, prefer contacting Texas Premier Dental to get proper treatment. You can also call us on 281-206-0100 for more information.

Wisdom teeth removal surgery is often needed when someone’s teeth are crowding in their mouth. Wisdom teeth removal can affect the surrounding teeth as well as the jaw. Many factors play into recovery after the procedure, but the two most common problems after wisdom teeth removal surgery are pain and dry sockets.

Why Do I Need My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Wisdom teeth removal is one of the most common oral surgeries in the United States. It represents 95% of all tooth removals among 16 to 21 year-olds with dental insurance. Wisdom teeth erupt between ages 17 and 25. There are a few reasons your dentist may recommend you have them removed.

Wisdom teeth may cause:

  • Swelling
  • Tooth decay
  • Crowding, also known as impacted wisdom teeth
  • Damage to other teeth
  • Other complications in the mouth

Why Do I Have a Sore Jaw After Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery?

Wisdom teeth removal means the four permanent adult teeth in the top and bottom back corners are removed by a dental surgeon. The removal of the lower wisdom teeth from the mouth can upset the surrounding muscles and bones. Pain after wisdom teeth removal surgery is normal and will subside as the healing process continues.

However, removing the lower wisdom teeth can lead to a condition where the muscles of the jaw contract, or tighten, called trismus. This can restrict the mouth from opening. Trismus is especially common when the third molar is impacted.

Trismus is often painful and can impact speech and the ability to eat. The condition often goes away when the muscles begin to repair themselves, and does not require treatment. If your sore jaw does not go away on its own, talk to your dentist or oral surgeon. Click here to find a dentist in your area. 

What Are Other Complications of Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery?

A common complication of wisdom tooth extractions are dry sockets. One study found that dry sockets occur about 12 percent of the time. A dry socket forms when the empty hole that held a tooth doesn’t heal properly after the tooth is removed. After surgery, a blood clot should form to start the socket’s healing process. If the blood clot doesn’t develop, or if it gets damaged, it can lead to dry sockets. 

Dry sockets can cause pain, a foul taste in the mouth, and bad breath. If you experience these symptoms after surgery, contact your dentist or oral surgeon.

What Can I Do About Pain and Dry Sockets? 

If your pain becomes unmanageable, contact your doctor to discuss what they recommend. If your pain gets worse in the days after surgery, it’s likely there is a problem. So be sure to monitor your pain and contact a doctor if necessary.

Vicodin and hydrocodone, common opioid-based pain relievers, are most frequently prescribed by US oral surgeons after a wisdom teeth removal surgery. But, recent research found that taking the common pain relievers acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Advil) together are more effective and safer for pain relief after oral surgery than prescription opioids.

This discovery allows dentists and oral surgeons to address their patient’s pain level in new, safer ways. It’s important to discuss pain relief options with your doctor before the surgery.

What is The Recovery Time for Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery?

Typical recovery time is one to two weeks, but it’s important to follow all of your oral surgeon’s recovery instructions after surgery. A sore jaw after wisdom teeth extraction is common, but make sure to tell your dentist or surgeon if something doesn’t feel right. If pain gets worse instead of better in the days following surgery, contact your provider.

Having a wisdom tooth removed can be pricey if you don't have dental insurance. Find the right dental plan for you today.

How long does jaw hurt after tooth extraction?

After the procedure, one should expect some discomfort, swelling, sensitivity, or pain. The pain experienced is usually due to the underlying gum inflammation. What is considered “normal” pain is likely to last for about three days post-extraction.

What helps jaw pain after dental work?

You can help to treat jaw tenderness by focusing on relaxing your mouth when resting. Try not to clench your teeth at all. You can take medications like ibuprofen for muscle pain and to reduce overall inflammation. You might even gently massage the jaw area through your cheek to help reduce the tension there.

Why does my whole jaw hurt after tooth extraction?

If you have recently had a tooth removed, jaw pain may be caused by a condition called “dry socket.” When a tooth is removed, a blood clot forms to protect the newly-exposed bone. Dry socket occurs when that blood clot dissolves or gets dislodged, exposing the bone and nerve.

Should I still have pain 5 days after tooth extraction?

Having pain after your surgery is expected and common. Pain may last up to two weeks after surgery. It is highly recommended to take two Advil or Motrin immediately when you get home. Keep the narcotic pain medications for bedtime.