Identify linear quadratic and exponential functions from graphs

Melissa Bialowas, Laura Pennington

Learn to define linear, quadratic, and exponential functions and use their models for real-life applications. Discover their graphs and see examples. Updated: 02/28/2022

Table of Contents

  • Linear, Quadratic, and Exponential Functions
  • Linear, Quadratic, and Exponential Graphs
  • Quadratic vs. Exponential
  • Linear, Quadratic, and Exponential Models
  • Lesson Summary

There are three main types of functions: linear, quadratic, and exponential. This lesson will discuss each in detail, so it is easy to understand their similarities and differences. First, a function is a mathematical relationship between inputs and outputs. Functions can be as simple as "Jenny offers a smile then Frank blushes," or as complex as the inputs needed to successfully land a rover on the moon.

Linear Functions

Linear functions are relationships between one variable and the associated outputs. When graphed, the function makes a line, thus it is called linear. A linear function is a polynomial function where 1 is the highest exponent. The standard form of a linear function is: y = mx + b. Where 'x' is the input and 'y' is the output. The coefficient 'm' represents the slope of the line, and the number 'b' is the intercept. Linear functions are found throughout daily life. When a person buys a stamp, 5 stamps, or 20 stamps, the relationship between the number of stamps purchased and their cost is a linear function.

The blue function is moving down while the red function moves up. They both form lines and are considered linear functions.

Identify linear quadratic and exponential functions from graphs

The constant slope is positive for lines that move up, and negative for lines that move down. Even if the lines are vertical or horizontal, they are still lines and therefore linear functions.

Quadratic Functions

Quadratic functions are also relationships between one variable and the associated outputs, but when graphed, they make parabolas. Quadratic functions are polynomial functions where 2 is the highest exponent. The general form of a quadratic function is: {eq}y = ax^{2} + bx + c {/eq}. Where 'x' is the input and 'y' is the output. The letters 'a', 'b', and 'c' represent numbers. Quadratic functions are also found throughout daily life. For example, when a person throws a ball up in the air, it first goes up and then down. The input in this case is time and the output is the height of the ball.

Quadratic functions can vary in intercepts, minimums, maximums, and steepness.

Identify linear quadratic and exponential functions from graphs

It is important to know that parabolas can open up, down, right, or left. No matter their orientation, they are all still quadratic equations.

Exponential Functions

Exponential functions are relationships between one variable and the associated outputs, but the variable in the function is in the exponent. The general form of an exponential function is: {eq}y = e^{x} {/eq}. Where 'x' is the input, 'y' is the output, and 'e' is a number. Exponential functions can be found in many unexpected situations in daily life. One example is the spread of a fire. because it grows exponentially without intervention. In this scenario, the input would be time and the output would be the area on fire.

This is a graph of exponential growth.

Identify linear quadratic and exponential functions from graphs

Exponential function graphs are typically either displaying exponential growth (curve going up) or exponential decay (curve going down).

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Linear, Quadratic, and Exponential Graphs

Linear graphs always look like a straight line with no curve. Quadratic graphs have a parabola shape. An exponential graph has a curve, but the curve will start out vertical and become more horizontal, or the curve will start out horizontal and grow to be more vertical.

This graph has a linear (red) and a quadratic (blue) function pictured.

Identify linear quadratic and exponential functions from graphs

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On the graph, two different functions have been drawn. The red graph is a straight line, so it is a linear function. The blue graph is a parabola, so it is a quadratic function.

This graph has a linear (blue) and an exponential (red) function displayed.

Identify linear quadratic and exponential functions from graphs

Here, a blue line displays a linear function and a red curve displays an exponential function.

There are many different methods for graphing functions. The method listed below is the easiest to learn because it works with all function types:

  • Plug a variety of inputs (x) into the given function.
  • Solve for the matching output (y) for each input.
  • Draw a dot at each point determined by the inputs and outputs on the graph.
  • Connect the dots.
  • Observe the shape of the graph.

How can you tell if a function is quadratic or exponential?

Quadratic functions have a highest exponent of two, and they form a parabola when graphed. Exponential functions have a variable in the exponent.

What is the difference between a linear, quadratic, and exponential function?

A linear function forms a line. A quadratic function forms a parabola. An exponential function forms a curve that grows steeper over time.

How do you identify linear, quadratic, and exponential functions?

One could look at their shapes or their general equations. When using general equations, the exponents determine the identity of the function. A linear equation has no exponent. A quadratic equation has a highest exponent of two. An exponential equation has a variable in the exponent.

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How do you determine if a graph is linear quadratic or exponential?

If the variable is in the exponent, then the function is exponential. If the variable is not in the exponent, then it is a quadratic equation. If the function does not have an exponent, then it is a linear function. Try to determine what type of functions these are based on their graphs.

How do you tell if a function is exponential from a graph?

Graphs of Exponential Functions.
The graph passes through the point (0,1).
The domain is all real numbers..
The range is y>0..
The graph is increasing..
The graph is asymptotic to the x-axis as x approaches negative infinity..
The graph increases without bound as x approaches positive infinity..
The graph is continuous..

What is a linear quadratic and exponential function?

Algebraically, linear functions are polynomial functions with a highest exponent of one, exponential functions have a variable in the exponent, and quadratic functions are polynomial functions with a highest exponent of two.