Is goat milk good for your face

Calling all dairy queens! You’ve probably heard that milk does a body good, right? Even though it’s what’s on the inside that counts, there are plenty of benefits when it comes to adding various milk-based beauty products to your skincare regimen.

From the farm to the fridge to the vanity, there are more uses for milk than building strong, healthy bones or enjoying a cold glass with some cookies. Milk is a rising-star ingredient in the beauty and skincare world, and it’s gaining popularity for good reason: Simply put, milk contains lactic acid, which has proven itself to be a superior skin-softening agent and a natural exfoliant that doesn’t set off alarm bells for irritation or dryness.

These types of acids are commonly extracted from fruits or plants and added to a myriad of skincare products. While cow’s milk remains popular, goat milk is springing into dairy-beauty routines everywhere, so let’s skim over some reasons why you should get your goat milk on.

Here at Beekman, we play well with udders and remember our roots; our original simple goat milk soap is the product that started it all, and it grew to almost cult status overnight. Made the old fashioned way, by hand and with only the purest ingredients, it’s completely unscented, making it one of the most natural beauty products available.

Goat milk soaps are handcrafted bar soaps that contain no harsh detergents or harmful chemical compounds. The lactic acid component of pure goat milk is the key player in cleansing our skin and eliminating impurities. It’s what gives goat milk its amazing ability to help provide a youthful appearance, and who doesn’t want that? Those trusty alpha-hydroxy acids are really great at exfoliating, increasing blood flow to the skin and giving your face the rejuvenation it didn’t know it was missing. They work hard to remove the dull surface layer of the skin to give it a squeaky clean feeling and appearance; once sloughed off, the skin immediately starts glowing!

Don’t fret, squeaky clean doesn’t mean moisture-deprived; the fatty acids and triglycerides found in goat milk not only keep your insides running smoothly, but they help you look great on the outside, too, because their moisturizing qualities help keep skin baby soft. Goat milk is very gentle, and it helps balance the pH level of our own skin almost perfectly. Because its pH level is similar to that of humans, it’s absorbed by the skin with far less irritation than traditional cleansers and soaps and helps keep bacteria at bay. (Goodbye, pimples!)

Goat milk, unlike cow’s milk, is great to combat breakout-prone skin because it contains special properties that offer a natural, less harsh exfoliation for the skin, and antimicrobial properties that can eliminate and even prevent breakouts altogether. Think about it: If the skin is already irritated and inflamed due to breakouts, the last thing it needs is an abrasive product. Instead, give it the goat milk mask it craves and the beauty roadmap to clear, healthy skin. Added bonus: goat milk contains a fat molecule that has the ability to reduce skin inflammation, so lather up and kiss that redness goodbye!

We learned our ABCs and 123s in Kindergarten, but it’s always good to have a refresher course at the bathroom sink: Goat milk is jam-packed with Vitamins A, B, C, and D; together these guys have a naturally regenerative effect to brighten the complexion and give way to healthy new skin. While the milk’s acids scrub away dead skin cells, vitamins promote the growth of healthier, more youthful-looking skin. Specifically, studies on Vitamin A consistently show that it reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles and can improve your overall skin health.

From sloughing dead skin to brightening skin, goat milk has earned its place in our beauty products and bathroom sinks. It’s said the cream always rises to the top, so treat yourself to some goat milk skincare goodies because it’s never too early to start prepping your winter-worn skin for warmer spring air. And when people ask where you got your glow, let them know you were barn with it.

Goat milk soap does have benefits. It can help soothe irritated, sensitive skin and may help reduce symptoms of eczema and psoriasis—but it's not for everyone. Here's what you need to know.

What are goat milk soap’s benefits for your skin?

If you have dry, irritated, sensitive skin, or if you suffer from eczema or psoriasis, then you know what a struggle it can be to find a soap that doesn’t aggravate your skin. The answer to your skin care woes may not come from a lab but from a farm animal: goats.

Jim and PJ Jonas, goat farmers in Indiana, discovered the benefits of goat milk soap in a very personal way.

Jim lived for years with painful, cracked skin on his fingertips, and he found that putting goat milk soap on his hands kept them from splitting open. PJ had started making homemade soap as a way to avoid using chemical-laden cleansers on their eight children, but Jim had begun using it as well.

The results were so life-changing that the couple decided to share the products with others, eventually starting their own business, Goat Milk Stuff, selling goat milk soap and other skin care products made from goat milk.

The potential skin benefits of goat milk soap

At a local farmer’s market, customers told PJ about how they struggled with eczema on their children’s skin, even going so far as to tape gloves over little ones’ hands to keep them from scratching. “And the most amazing thing was happening: Our soap was relieving their eczema symptoms,” PJ says. (These are the eczema facts you need to know.)

Experiences like this have made goat milk soap a holy grail in skin care for people with sensitive skin conditions.

This makes sense, as it is more hydrating and soothing than other types of cleansers and is less likely to cause a reaction, says Stacy Chimento, MD, a board-certified dermatologist at Riverchase Dermatology in Miami. (This is the best eczema cream for your type of eczema.)

So, what exactly is goat milk soap?

Goat milk soap is exactly what it sounds like: a soap bar or cake made primarily from raw goat milk. It may also include alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), sodium hydroxide, and a type of natural fat, like coconut oil, shea butter, jojoba, or other oil. Glycerin and beeswax are popular natural stabilizers.

Scented varieties generally include essential oils and/or plant material, like lavender flowers or lemon balm. (Here’s what to know before buying essential oils or any product containing them.)

Most goat milk soaps are specifically formulated to not include artificial colors or scents, or synthetic detergents, which can aggravate sensitive skin. However, there are many different brands and formulations, so be sure to check the ingredient list before buying.

Goat milk soap is quickly becoming one of the most popular types of traditional soap, according to an analysis done by Research and Markets, a market research company.

Goat milk has a natural neutral pH and lactic acid, which combined with its high fat content makes it perfect for many skin care products, including soap.

Is it “real” soap?

It may surprise you to discover that the bottle of “soap” next to your sink probably isn’t soap at all. Chances are, it’s a synthetic detergent. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), true soap must combine fats or oils with an alkali, such as lye. The most popular “soaps” on the market are made from synthetic ingredients so they don’t actually meet the definition of soap. Not sure which type your cleanser is? If it foams or produces lots of suds, it’s likely synthetic.

(Try these natural face cleanser recipes you can make yourself.)

While synthetic detergents aren’t bad for you and do work, more and more people are choosing to buy traditional soap as a way to avoid chemicals, protect the environment, and support local businesses.

Enthusiasts also swear that traditional soaps, like goat milk soap, work better and feel better on their skin. (Check out our clean skin care guide for people who hate chemicals.)

Is goat milk good for your face
TeresaJaneD/Getty Images

Benefits of goat milk soap

Goat milk soap has gained popularity in the last few years for its all-natural ingredients and unique ability to soothe irritated skin. Here’s why proponents say it’s a good skin care choice.

It may be less allergenic

The fewer the ingredients, the less likely it is that something will provoke an allergic reaction on your skin, says Dr. Chimento. Goat milk soap only has a handful of ingredients other than goat milk.

“In comparison to other soaps formulated with harmful or drying chemicals that are harsh on the skin, goat milk soap is far less irritating and more hypoallergenic,” she says.

It cleans and moisturizes

Many soaps are very drying. Goat milk soap, however, is made with full cream instead of water, which makes it work like a moisturizer and a cleanser.

“This kind of soap is incredibly nourishing for the skin, as the fat content locks in moisture and does not strip skin of its natural oils,” Dr. Chimento says.  (Make sure you know how to use moisturizer correctly to get maximum hydration.)

It may help some skin conditions

Message boards for psoriasis and eczema are full of people who swear by goat milk soap to soothe and heal their skin.

This is because it helps the skin repair its lipid barrier, the layer of fat on the surface of the skin that keeps moisture in and irritants out, giving skin a chance to repair and heal, says Dr. Chimento. (Check out these tips and tricks on how to treat psoriasis from real people.)

It’s a natural exfoliant

Since goat soap contains lactic acid, it is a natural way to exfoliate skin both on the face and body.

“Lactic acid sloughs off dead skin cells and leaves the pores tighter and skin smoother,” Dr. Chimento says.

It may help reduce signs of aging

Goat’s milk also contains vitamin A, which has been shown to reduce signs of aging, like wrinkles and deep lines, when applied to the skin, says Dr. Chimento.

Vitamin A is the powerhouse behind the anti-aging heavyweight retinol, though don’t expect the same level of results from goat milk soap.

It gives your skin a dose of vitamins

Goat milk soap is rich in B vitamins and trace minerals, like magnesium and potassium. “Water-based soaps can be artificially fortified with vitamins, but most aren’t,” Dr. Chimento explains. “And the alpha-hydroxy acids in goat milk help the vitamins and minerals to be absorbed into the deeper layers of your skin.”

(Try these younger-looking skin tips from dermatologists.)

What to know before you buy

While goat milk soap’s nourishing properties suggest possible skin-boosting benefits, a lack of scientific research on it makes it hard to say whether it is really effective. Right now, benefits mostly come from anecdotal reports.

Moreover, it’s hard to know how much goat milk is in a given product. Considering goat milk is the ingredient with the potential skin-boosting benefits, it’s tough to tell how effective a product will be. The quality and sourcing of the goat milk are important, and unfortunately, not all products are the same.

Who shouldn’t try goat milk soap?

Goat milk soap is one of the most gentle cleansers on the market, but it isn’t necessarily for everyone.

“Goat’s milk is still a form of dairy, so it is advised to pay attention to how your skin reacts when using it as a soap,” says Dr. Chimento. It is possible that goat’s milk can cause an allergic reaction in some people who are hypersensitive to dairy products. If that’s you, make sure you know these dairy myths and facts.

Fragrances, herbs, and essential oils can cause reactions in people sensitive to that type of plant, she adds. If you have psoriasis, eczema, or highly reactive skin, use pure goat milk soap with no extra additives for color or scent.

Lastly, people who have naturally oily skin or severe acne may want to steer clear, as goat milk soap’s high fat content can cause excess sebum and clog pores, Dr. Chimento says.

“If you are experiencing any uncomfortable or painful side effects after using goat milk soap, make an appointment with a dermatologist to be given a personalized diagnosis and treatment plan,” she says.

Next, here’s how to improve your complexion in just one day.

Can you put goat milk on your face?

Goat milk can be used directly on the skin as a light face mask. It can also be added in one's skincare routine through moisturising face creams and nourishing soaps for the body.

Is goat milk good for wrinkles?

Goat milk contains two key nutrients — lactic acid and Vitamin A — that make it an effective fighter against fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging.

Why is goat milk good for your face?

In addition to lactic acid, “goat milk contains fatty acids that help repair the skin barrier, probiotics to encourage the growth of normal skin flora, and vitamin A to help gently exfoliate,” says Dr. Purvisha Patel, a board certified dermatologist. Those fatty acids also contribute to noticeably softer skin.

Does goat milk clog pores?

If you've ever struggled with skin that is prone to break-outs, a natural goat milk soap is a great addition to your skincare routine because it does not clog pores. Your skin contains many pores that look like tiny dots on the surface of your skin.