Order of someone elses followers list on instagram 2022

Last updated: Oct 7, 2022 • 5 min read

Order of someone elses followers list on instagram 2022

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Curiosity killed the cat, they say. Instagram users can have full control of their followers list, so checking each person that follows you it’s possible.

On the other hand**, checking the followers of another person is a whole different story.**

The problem isn’t checking someone’s activity on Instagram, but doing so in chronological order.

This leads us to wonder: is it possible to see recent followers on Instagram on your friends profiles?

In today’s article, we will be giving you each answer you need about the following topics:

  • How to see recent followers on Instagram;
  • Things you must know about checking yours or someones activity;
  • Orders in which your follower list appears.

Can You See Recent Instagram Followers?

You can indeed check your own recent followers simply by going to accounts’ notifications.

As you might know, Instagram allows the management of user’s followers as they please.

If you, for instance, have a private account, then you need to manually accept each person that decides to add you.

Later on, they will be able to comment on your posts, pictures, videos, and more.

It works similarly in other apps, such as Facebook, but there are some clear limitations.

For instance, you can’t entirely Hide Instagram Followers - the total number of followers will always appear on someone’s profile.

Other than that, the story is a little different when we talk about another person’s profile.

Is it Possible to See Someone’s Recent Followers on Instagram?

No. There is no way to see the recent followers on someone’s Instagram account.

Don’t get us wrong - you can still see each user that follows them (if you are mutual friends or the person’s profile is public), but if we talk about chronological order, then this is not possible.

Before June 2021, it was indeed possible to check all the activities of another person in chronological or reverse chronological order if you opened their follower’s list from the Instagram web version or the app.

Nowadays, as of 2022’s Q2, this is not possible. Opening their followers’ tab will not show followers in chronological or alphabetical order as it used to.

How to See Recent Followers on Instagram

As we mentioned before, seeing someone’s recent followers is not officially possible.

If you want to see who you recently followed on Instagram, then sure, you can do so.

Either way, there are still a few ways that can help you to find the definitive answer to your question, and we are going to show them all.

Pro Tip: Tired of constantly seeing the same Instagram username running your feed or commenting on the pictures you posted, but you don’t want to block them?

Mute Them on Instagram! Visit the previously mentioned link on our website to learn how to do so.

1. See Your Most Recent Followers on Instagram

Instagram has a default setting that allows you to track your recent followers in order.

You can do so by the activity tab, or use the second way, which consists of checking your own followers list.

Read Also: Getting Verified on Instagram is a great way to expand your profile and reach new audiences. If you want to learn how to do so, search no more - read the article we have posted on our website to learn more.

Step 1: Open the Instagram App

Firstly, open Instagram. You need to go to your own profile page, and you can do so by simply tapping on your profile icon.

This can also be done from the Instagram browser version as well.

Step 2: Go to Your Instagram Profile Page

Once you are on your accounts page, tap on your follower’s number.

It’s at the top left corner of the screen, next to your picture. There, a new list will open in this main menu.

Step 3: Tap on Your Followers List

Tap here, and you will see your most recent followers in order.

You will see all the accounts that have recently followed you and can comment on your posts and interact with your Instagram profile.

2. See Someone Recent’s Followers on Instagram

We cannot stress this enough - you can’t see someone’s recent followers on Instagram.

Once again, you can see their followers, but they won’t be organized by order.

If you want to see the most recent followers on someone, you must use unverified online tools that keep track of this information instead.

Pro Tip: Is the Instagram app running slowly? Don’t lose your head and Clear the Instagram Cache. Doing this helps users to get rid of app-related problems, so read our article to learn how to do this.

Use a Third-Party App

The only way to see someone’s recent followers is by using a monitoring third-party app.

These apps keep track of someone’s activity on Instagram, and most of them are apps that users must pay for.

The problem is that you need to give Instagram access to third-party entities if you want to see this.

Popular applications, such as the SnooprePort app, have proven to work for many users.

There, you can see followers’ changes week by week, but then again, you need to input your personal credentials into it.

Is it really worth the risk? It is up to you.

Can You See Who Someone Recently Followed on Instagram?

No. As we mentioned before, you could look for an user on the search bar, and see who someone recently followed.

This is not possible anymore, so don’t waste your time trying to find an official feature for this.

That’s all you need to know about this topic for now! If you need more valuable posts about Instagram and other social platforms, search no more - Grow Following has everything you need and more.


Is the Instagram Followers List Organized in Chronological Order?

Yours is, other’s isn’t - as simple as that. If you really wish to see recent users that have followed someone, then employ one of the previously mentioned, unofficial methods.

How do you see someones followers in order in 2022?

Visit someone's profile and tap on the Followers list from your mobile. There you will see their followers displayed in chronological order.

How do you see who someone recently followed on Instagram 2022?

As mentioned above, there's no way you can find out who someone's recently following on Instagram. Though you can check out who that user's following by heading to the Following category on his profile, they're not chronologically arranged.

Is there an order to who someone follows on Instagram?

Instagram followers and following lists might seem like chaos, but there is an order to them. If you have less than 200 followers, the list is organized in alphabetical order by the name on their profile, not their username. Profiles without a name will be listed above the alphabetical list.

How can I check who my girlfriend recently followed on Instagram?

The person's “following” list isn't even listed in the order of when they followed them, and Instagram doesn't display the day when they began following them. Ultimately, there's no way on Instagram to see who someone has followed most recently.