Questions not to ask in an interview as an employer

During an interview, although the company are assessing whether you will be a good fit for the team, you are also making sure the company and role will suit you and your lifestyle. To gain as much as you need to during your interview, it’s important to have a back pocket of interview questions for your future employer. While most of your questions may be smart and well-considered, there are some questions that are red flags for interviewers. 

To make sure your winning interview doesn’t go south, here’s the questions you should avoid asking at all costs.

What does the person do in this role?

A detailed job description is usually always provided with any job application and should outline the key responsibilities required of the successful candidate. Asking this question suggests a lack of enthusiasm and interest in the role from not having read the job description properly. If you do have require additional information about the role, ask for this prior to the interview as you want to know what you’re signing up for.

What does the company do?

Rule number one of entering any job interview is having a good background knowledge of the company behind you. Not only will asking this question show that you haven’t spent the time to do any research, it could also make the interviewer question your capability to do the job.

Do you have any other positions apart from this one?

This question displays arrogance in your abilities to do any job. It also shows a lack of interest in the role at hand.

although the company are assessing whether you will be a good fit for the team, you are also making sure the company and role will suit you and your lifestyle.

Will I have long hours?

Although it is important to find out what your working hours will be, this question could make you come off as being lazy. Instead, ask the question ‘What are the working hours for this role?’ or ‘Is there a positive work-life balance?’

How much holiday do you offer?

Any benefits you receive with the job will be discussed once you receive a job offer and not discussed in the interview. Asking questions around what benefits you will receive can undermine the interest you have in the role and might make it look like you assume you have succeeded in landing the position.

What will my salary be?

Salaries are usually displayed on the job advert to give you a rough idea as to what you can expect. Any questions surrounding the salary should be discussed at the time of the job offer and not during the interview.

Do you have an interview approaching? Head to our Interview tips hub for essential tips and advice to help you stand out.

Interviewee stuck on inappropriate interview questions 

You likely know that there are some types of inappropriate interview questions that are off-limits in a job interview, but did you also know that many of these are basically illegal? And, while these may not be illegal in the sense that an interviewer could be arrested for asking them, they do put the interviewer and employer in danger of appearing discriminatory and facing litigation. Employers generally steer clear of these types of questions because they know they cannot use these answer to make any sort of hiring decisions, but occasionally they crop up unexpectedly or even unintentionally.

If you’re considering going on the job market or if you’re actively interviewing, it’s important to know your rights as a job seeker and to identify inappropriate interview questions in real time so that you can come prepared with a firm yet respectful response to guide the conversation back to your professional skills and experiences.

Beware of these Inappropriate Interview Questions

You know you’re stepping into a minefield and need to back away if your interviewer asks you about…

  • Your age
  • Your race, ethnicity, or place of birth
  • Your marital status
  • Whether or not you have children
  • Whether or not you’re planning on having children
  • Your religion
  • Your health
  • Your gender or sexual orientation
  • Your retirement plans
  • Your spouse or partner’s job
  • In some locations, your previous salary information

If you’re asked inappropriate interview questions about any of these areas, first of all, remain calm and composed. Flying off the handle and immediately accusing your interviewer of discriminatory tactics or aggressively pointing out the error in their line of questioning can only escalate the situation. Plus, in some circumstances, the interviewer may truly not realize they’ve asked an inappropriate question, especially if the topic naturally comes up as “chit chat” where people often revert to more personal topics like home life, hobbies, or kids.

Instead, consider repeating the question back to them and asking how this might relate to your job duties or responsibilities. When they hear it put back to them this way, most interviewers will realize they’ve asked inappropriate interview questions that fall outside the scope of what’s relevant (or even legal) and will pivot to a more appropriate topic. If they keep pushing for an answer to an obviously off-limits question, politely yet clearly and firmly state that you’d prefer not to answer the question.

Note: Employment laws can vary by state and by country. This article is not intended to give specific legal advice, so consult with your local, state, or federal laws and resources for specific information on discrimination or workplace laws.