Social security benefits for a widow at age 60

When a Social Security beneficiary dies, his or her surviving spouse is eligible for survivor benefits. A surviving spouse can collect 100 percent of the late spouse’s benefit if the survivor has reached full retirement age, but the amount will be lower if the deceased spouse claimed benefits before he or she reached full retirement age. (Full retirement age for survivor benefits differs from that for retirement and spousal benefits; it is currently 66 but will gradually increase to 67 over the next several years.)

If you were already receiving spousal benefits on the deceased’s work record, Social Security will in most cases switch you automatically to survivor benefits when the death is reported. Otherwise, you will need to apply for survivor benefits by calling the Social Security Administration at 800-772-1213 or contacting your local Social Security office. 

How to Get More Out of Your Medicare & Social Security Benefits

Thursday, Oct. 27, 1-4 p.m. ET

Join AARP for this come-and-go online event where experts and thought leaders will answer questions and help guide you through benefit decisions. Highlights include:

  • Keynote speaker Jean Chatzky, AARP's personal finance ambassador.
  • One-on-one counseling with certified financial planners and other experts.
  • Customized guide to additional resources, including live group sessions and on-demand videos.


Local offices fully reopened April 7 after being closed to walk-in traffic for more than two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but Social Security recommends calling in advance and scheduling an appointment to avoid long waits.

In most cases, a widow or widower qualifies for survivor benefits if he or she is at least 60 and had been married to the deceased for at least nine months at the time of death. But there are a few exceptions to those requirements:

  • If the late beneficiary’s death was accidental or occurred in the line of U.S. military duty, there’s no length-of-marriage requirement.
  • You can apply for survivor benefits as early as age 50 if you are disabled and the disability occurred within seven years of your spouse’s death.
  • If you are caring for children from the marriage who are under 16 or disabled, you can apply at any age.

Whether you have wed again can also affect eligibility. If the remarriage took place before you turned 60 (50 if you are disabled), you cannot draw survivor benefits. You regain eligibility if that marriage ends. And there is no effect on eligibility for survivor benefits if you remarry at or past 60 (50 if disabled).

The survivor benefit is generally calculated on the benefit your late spouse was receiving from Social Security at the time of death (or was entitled to receive, based on age and earnings history, if he or she had not yet claimed benefits). The actual amount of your payment will differ according to your age and family circumstance:

  • As previously noted, if you have reached full retirement age, you get 100 percent of the benefit your spouse was (or would have been) collecting.
  • If you claim survivor benefits between age 60 and your full retirement age, you will receive between 71.5 percent and 99 percent of the deceased’s benefit. The percentage gets higher the older you are when you claim.
  • If you claim in your 50s as a disabled spouse, the survivor benefit is 71.5 percent of your late spouse's benefit.
  • If you apply on the basis of caring for a child who is under 16 or disabled, you can collect 75 percent of the late spouse’s benefit, regardless of your age.

Keep in mind

  • You will not receive a survivor benefit in addition to your own retirement benefit; Social Security will pay the higher of the two amounts.
  • If you are the divorced former spouse of a deceased Social Security recipient, you might qualify for survivor benefits on his or her work record.
  • If you are below full retirement age and still working, your survivor benefit could be affected by Social Security's earnings limit.
  • It does not matter whether a surviving spouse worked long enough to qualify for Social Security on his or her own. He or she can still collect benefits on the deceased spouse’s work record.

Although best known for its monthly payouts to retirees, Social Security actually pays several different types of benefits, as its official name, Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI), implies. If you are eligible to collect Social Security benefits upon retirement, your spouse or dependents may be eligible for survivor benefits in the event of your death. But as with many federal programs, the rules can be complicated.

Key Takeaways

  • If you have qualified to collect Social Security when you retire, your family members may be eligible for survivor benefits after you die.
  • Survivor benefits are available to widows and widowers, minor children, older disabled children, and dependent parents of the deceased.
  • Stepchildren, grandchildren, step-grandchildren, or adopted children can sometimes collect benefits as well.
  • Benefit amounts are based on the survivor's relationship to the deceased and other factors.
  • On average, it takes 10 years of work and payments to the Social Security fund to accumulate survivor benefit credits.

Who Qualifies for Social Security Survivor Benefits?

Monthly survivor benefits are available to certain family members, including:

  • A widow(er) age 60 or older (age 50 or older if they are disabled) who has not remarried
  • A widow(er) of any age who is caring for the deceased's child (or children) under age 16 or disabled
  • An unmarried child of the deceased who is younger than age 18 (or up to age 19 if a full-time student in an elementary or secondary school), or 18 or older with a disability that began before age 22
  • A stepchild, grandchild, step-grandchild, or adopted child, under certain circumstances
  • Parents, age 62 or older, who were dependent on the deceased for at least half of their income and whose own Social Security benefit would not be larger than that of the deceased offspring
  • A surviving divorced spouse, if they meet other eligibility requirements

First of all, you have to work a certain number of years and amass the requisite number of credits each year for your loved ones to be eligible for benefits—which you have to do to be eligible yourself. For 2022, you receive one credit for every $1,510 you earn, up to $6,040, for a total of four credits a year. In 2023, it rises to every $1,640 you earn, up to $6,560.

How Are Social Security Survivor Benefits Calculated?

A one-time death benefit payment of $255 can be paid to your surviving spouse if they were living with you or if you were living apart and your spouse was receiving certain Social Security benefits on your record. In cases where there is no surviving spouse, the one-time payment can be made to a child who is eligible for benefits on the deceased's record in the month of death.

The exact number of credits you need for family members to be eligible for survivor benefits depends on your age when you die. The younger you are, the fewer credits you need, but the maximum you will ever need is 40 credits. For most people, it is necessary to work and pay Social Security taxes for at least 10 years to accrue the required amount.

However, if your death leaves a spouse with dependent children, a special provision allows benefits to be paid to them if you have earned six credits (which takes about 1.5 years) or more within the three calendar years before your death.

As with regular retirement benefits, the amount of survivor benefits that your family would receive is based on your average lifetime earnings. The more you earned, the higher the benefit, up to a certain maximum.

Benefit amounts are based on how much the deceased would have collected at full retirement age if still living. But if you have begun collecting benefits earlier than your full or normal retirement age, resulting in a decreased payout, any benefits paid to your surviving family members will be based on that reduced amount. In addition, the age at which your spouse or dependents begin collecting will affect the size of their benefit.

If you begin to collect Social Security benefits before you reach normal retirement age, not only will you receive a reduced benefit, but after your death, your surviving spouse will, too.

How Big Are the Benefits?

Benefits also vary according to the survivor's relationship to the deceased and the age at which they begin receiving benefits.

Benefits for Spouses

A widow or widower who has reached their full retirement age can receive 100% of the deceased's benefit. A widow or widower who is between 60 and full retirement age can receive 71.5% to 99% of that benefit. A disabled widow or widower, aged 50 through 59, can receive 71.5%. A widow or widower of any age who's caring for a child under age 16 can receive 75%. Divorced spouses, if they qualify, can receive the same percentages as widows and widowers.

Benefits for Children and Others

Children under age 18 (or 19, if still attending primary or secondary school) and disabled dependent children can receive 75% of the deceased's benefit. A surviving dependent parent can receive 82.5% of the benefit; if two dependent parents survive, they are eligible to collect 75% each.

How Can Surviving Spouses Maximize Their Benefits?

As noted above, surviving spouses (except for those with disabilities or who are caring for a qualifying child) are eligible to collect a reduced benefit as early as age 60. Still, they must wait until their full retirement age to collect the maximum 100% benefit.

If You're Already Receiving Retirement Benefits

For those already being paid retirement benefits, they can only apply for benefits as a widow or widower if the current retirement benefit being received is less than the survivor benefit. In other words, they'll pay you the higher of the two benefits. However, both benefits cannot be combined and taken at the same time.

If You Haven't Applied for Retirement Benefits Yet

Spouses who are eligible for both the survivor benefit and the retirement benefit based on their own work record can maximize their total benefits by taking them in the most advantageous order. The Social Security Administration (SSA) explains how this works:

If you are also eligible for retirement benefits (but haven't applied yet), you have an additional option. You can apply for retirement or survivors benefits now and switch to the other (higher) benefit at a later date.

The right order for you will depend on the size of each benefit. If both payouts currently are about the same, it may be best to take the survivor benefit at age 60. It's going to be reduced because you're taking it early, but you can collect that benefit from age 60 to age 70 while your own retirement benefit continues to grow. Then you can collect your own benefit starting at age 70 when it maxes out.

Conversely, if your own benefit is small compared to the survivor benefit (and will be even at age 70), you could take your own (reduced) benefit at age 62, which is the earliest age at which you're eligible. Then, at age 66, you could switch over to the survivor benefit. However, the survivor benefit would be reduced since it was taken early or before full retirement age.

Please contact the Social Security Administration to discuss which benefit to take first before applying for either benefit. Ideally, you want to be sure you're choosing the option that best fits your financial circumstances by considering all of the variables, which could include your age, your deceased spouse's age, and your eligible benefits—including both the survivor's and your own retirement benefits.

Eligible for Benefits in the Last 12 Months

There's an exception for those who recently applied for retirement benefits. If you became entitled to retirement benefits less than 12 months ago, you might be allowed to withdraw your retirement application and apply for survivor benefits only. You can then reapply for your retirement benefits later when the benefits will be a higher amount.

Beware the Blackout Period

As noted earlier, a widow or widower generally doesn't qualify for their benefits until age 60. However, that person (regardless of age) can collect payouts as the caregiver for the deceased's children until they turn 16.

Children qualify for benefits (paid to the surviving parent) until they turn 18 (or 19 if they are still in school). But between the child's 18th birthday (when their survivor benefits cease) and the spouse's 60th birthday (when their benefits resume), no one in the family is eligible to collect. That's what's known as a blackout period.

For example, a woman is left widowed at the age of 30 with a two-year-old son. As her son's caregiver, she is entitled to collect Social Security benefits for 14 years, until his 16thbirthday. After that, her son continues to receive his survivor benefits for two more years, until he's 18. His mom will be 48 at that point, leaving the family ineligible for any payments until her widow's benefits become available when she's 60. In this case, the Social Security blackout period lasts 12 years.

One possible solution is for families to make sure they have adequate life insurance to support a surviving spouse during any blackout period. Take, for instance, a couple, both 31 years old, who recently had a child. If either parent dies, the surviving spouse is eligible to collect benefits until they are 47 years old (when the child is 16). If they both buy 30-year term life insurance policies and keep up with the premiums, they'll be assured of coverage until age 61—one year after Social Security eligibility is reinstated—in case one of them dies.

If three or more family members receive survivor benefits, they may be subject to Social Security's rules that limit the maximum family benefit.

How Do You Apply for Survivor Benefits?

Because individual circumstances can vary widely, it is not possible to apply for survivor benefits online. However, you can apply over the phone or by appointment at your local Social Security office. Current requirements and contact information are always available on the Social Security Administration website.

Applying for survivor benefits may require you to submit specific documents, such as a death certificate, marriage certificate, proof of citizenship, or a divorce decree, so rounding them up beforehand will help expedite the process.

Who Is Entitled to Social Security Death Benefits?

Social Security death benefits are available to surviving spouses and dependents of workers who paid into the Social Security fund and worked long enough to earn benefits.

How Long Do You Have To Be Married To Get Social Security Survivor Benefits?

A surviving spouse must have been married for at least one year to be eligible to receive their spouse's Social Security death benefits. However, if the surviving spouse is the parent of the spouse's child, the one-year rule is waived. A divorced spouse may be eligible to receive benefits if they were married to their former spouse for at least 10 years.

What Percentage of Social Security Benefits Does a Widow or Widower Receive?

The surviving spouse can receive 100% of the benefits at full retirement age. If the surviving spouse is between 60 and their full retirement age, they can receive reduced benefits—usually 71.5% to 99%. If the surviving spouse is disabled, they can begin receiving 71.5% of the benefits at age 50. Surviving spouses with children under 16 receive 75% of the benefits

How Long Do You Receive Social Security Survivor Benefits?

Social Security survivor benefits are payable to the surviving spouse for the remainder of their life. Restrictions apply for divorced spouses eligible to receive benefits.

Benefits for surviving children end at age 18 or age 19 and 2 months if still pursuing their elementary or secondary education. For surviving children who became disabled before age 22, their benefits continue for life.

How much Social Security does a widow get at age 60?

Widow or widower, age 60 — full retirement age — 71½ to 99% of the deceased worker's basic amount. Widow or widower with a disability aged 50 through 59 — 71½%. Widow or widower, any age, caring for a child under age 16 — 75%.

What percentage of Social Security benefits does a widow receive?

Widow or widower, full retirement age or older—100% of your benefit amount. Widow or widower, age 60 to full retirement age—71½ to 99% of your basic amount. A child under age 18 (19 if still in elementary or secondary school) or has a disability—75%.

At what age can I draw on my deceased husband Social Security?

In most cases, a widow or widower qualifies for survivor benefits if he or she is at least 60 and had been married to the deceased for at least nine months at the time of death.

Can a widow retire at age 60?

Widows and widowers may receive full Social Security benefits at their full retirement age or reduced benefits as early as age 60. Those with a disability that started before or within seven years of the worker's death may begin collecting benefits as early as age 50.