Software engineering manager interview questions and answers

As a software engineering manager, you are responsible for developing and managing a team of software engineers. This includes overseeing the team’s work, ensuring that deadlines are met, and that projects are completed on time and within budget. In order to be successful in this role, you need to be able to answer senior software engineering manager interview questions about your experience and management style.

To help you get ready for your interview, we’ve compiled a list of common questions and answers that you can use to prepare.

Are you comfortable working with a team of engineers to plan and execute projects?

As a senior software engineering manager, you’ll be responsible for planning and executing projects. Interviewers ask this question to see if you have experience working with teams of engineers to complete projects on time. Use your answer to explain that you are comfortable collaborating with others to plan and execute projects. Explain how you enjoy working as part of a team to accomplish goals.

Example: “I am very comfortable working with a team of engineers to plan and execute projects. In my previous role, I was the lead engineer on a project where we had to work together to create a new system for our company’s website. We met regularly to discuss what each person was working on and how it would contribute to the overall project. By communicating frequently, we were able to successfully plan and execute the project within the deadline.”

What are some of the most important qualities that a senior software engineering manager should have?

This question is your opportunity to show the interviewer that you possess the qualities necessary for this role. When answering, it can be helpful to mention a few of these qualities and explain why they are important.

Example: “I believe some of the most important qualities for a senior software engineering manager include communication skills, problem-solving abilities, leadership skills and technical knowledge. Communication skills are essential because I would need to communicate with my team members on a regular basis. Problem-solving abilities are also important because I would regularly have to solve problems within the company. Leadership skills are vital because I would need to lead my team in order to achieve goals. Finally, technical knowledge is crucial because I would need to understand how technology works in order to help my team.”

How would you go about managing the day-to-day activities of your team members?

As a senior software engineering manager, you will be responsible for managing the day-to-day activities of your team members. The interviewer may ask this question to gain insight into how you plan to manage your team and ensure that they are able to complete their work on time. In your answer, try to explain what steps you would take to make sure everyone is working efficiently and effectively.

Example: “I believe it’s important to have regular meetings with my team members so I can get to know them better and understand what challenges they’re facing. During these meetings, I also like to give feedback to my team members about their performance and provide constructive criticism when necessary. This helps me build trust with my team and allows them to feel comfortable asking questions or expressing concerns.”

What is your process for providing constructive feedback to your team members?

As a senior software engineering manager, you may need to provide feedback to your team members. Your answer should show the interviewer that you know how to give constructive feedback in a way that helps employees improve their performance and develop professionally.

Example: “I believe it’s important to be honest with my team members when providing feedback so they can understand what I expect from them. When giving feedback, I try to focus on specific actions or behaviors rather than making general statements about someone’s overall performance. This allows me to highlight both positive aspects of an employee’s work as well as areas for improvement.

In addition, I always make sure to offer suggestions for how my team member can improve. For example, if I notice that an employee is struggling with a particular task, I will ask questions to help them identify solutions to their problem.”

Provide an example of a time when you had to help an employee learn a new skill in order to help the company achieve its goals.

An interviewer may ask this question to learn more about your leadership skills and how you can help employees develop their own skills. In your answer, try to explain the steps you took to teach the employee a new skill and highlight any specific skills they learned during that process.

Example: “In my last role as senior software engineer manager, one of my team members was struggling with learning a new coding language. I met with them after work hours to discuss what challenges they were having and helped them understand the basics of the language. We then scheduled time for me to meet with them once a week to practice coding in the new language.”

If hired, what would be your priorities during your first few weeks as a senior software engineering manager at our company?

This question helps the interviewer understand what you would do in your new role and how quickly you can make an impact. Your answer should include a list of things you plan to accomplish as soon as possible after starting the job, such as meeting with team members or creating a development schedule.

Example: “My first priority would be to meet with each member of my engineering team to learn more about their skills and interests. I want to create a positive work environment where employees feel comfortable sharing ideas and asking questions. Another important thing I would do is develop a project management system that’s easy for everyone on the team to use. This will help us stay organized and ensure we’re always working toward our goals.”

What would you do if you noticed that your team members were working on separate projects that could have been combined into one?

This question can help the interviewer understand how you would handle a situation that could arise in your new role. Use examples from your previous experience to explain what steps you would take to ensure all projects are combined and completed on time.

Example: “In my last position, I noticed that two of my team members were working on separate software updates for different departments within the company. After discussing this with them, we decided it would be more efficient to combine both projects into one so they could work together to create a single update that met the needs of both departments. This allowed us to complete the project ahead of schedule.”

How well do you perform under pressure?

Senior software engineering managers often have to make important decisions under pressure. Employers ask this question to learn more about your ability to perform well in high-pressure situations. In your answer, explain how you manage stress and stay focused when making important decisions. Share a specific example of a time you performed well under pressure.

Example: “I am able to remain calm and focused even when I’m under pressure. When I was working as the lead developer for my previous company, we were behind schedule on one of our projects. The client called me asking for an update, but I didn’t have any good news to give them. Instead of panicking, I took a deep breath and thought through all of my options. After some careful consideration, I decided to hire another developer to help us finish the project by the deadline.”

Do you have experience working with a budget and prioritizing resources to meet company goals?

The interviewer may ask you this question to understand how you manage your time and resources. Use examples from previous work experiences to explain how you use your skills to plan, organize and execute projects that meet the company’s goals while also staying within budget.

Example: “In my last role as a senior software engineer, I worked with my team to create a project management system for our client. We had a limited budget but still needed to deliver a high-quality product on time. To do so, we created a timeline of milestones and tasks that would help us stay organized and complete the project by the deadline. We then prioritized which features were most important to the client and developed them first.”

When is it appropriate to give an employee a raise or promotion?

This question can help the interviewer determine your understanding of how to motivate and reward employees. Use examples from your experience to explain what you look for in an employee before giving them a raise or promotion.

Example: “I believe that it’s important to give employees raises when they’ve earned it, so I typically wait until their annual review to discuss salary increases. However, if I notice someone is consistently going above and beyond their job requirements, I’ll have a conversation with them about a possible promotion. This way, we can talk about whether they’re ready for more responsibility and what steps they need to take to get there.”

We want to expand our software engineering department. What types of software engineers would you like to hire?

This question can help the interviewer understand your hiring process and how you would add value to their company. Use examples from past experiences where you hired software engineers or other types of employees.

Example: “I have a lot of experience with hiring software engineers, so I know what skills are important for our team. In my last role as senior software engineer manager, we were looking to hire more front-end developers because we had several projects that needed immediate attention. We also wanted to hire back-end developers who could work on both sides of the project. This helped us complete all of our projects in a timely manner.”

Describe your experience working with large data sets.

This question can help the interviewer determine your experience with a specific type of project. Use examples from past projects to show how you used data analysis and management skills to complete tasks.

Example: “In my last role, I worked on a team that was tasked with creating an application for a large company. The company had thousands of employees who needed access to their payroll information online. We created a system where each employee could log in to view their pay stubs, tax forms and other important documents. This required us to work with large data sets, which we managed by using SQL queries to sort through the information.”

What makes you the best candidate for this senior software engineering manager position?

This question is your opportunity to show the interviewer that you are qualified for this role. Use examples from your experience and past accomplishments to highlight why you’re a good fit for this position.

Example: “I am the best candidate for this senior software engineering manager position because of my extensive knowledge in programming languages, my ability to lead teams and my proven track record of increasing productivity within organizations. In my last position as a senior software engineer, I helped increase our company’s revenue by 20% through my innovative coding techniques and strategies for improving efficiency.”

Which programming languages do you have the most experience with?

This question can help the interviewer determine your level of expertise with various programming languages. It can also show them which languages you’re most comfortable using and how familiar you are with other languages that may be used by their company. When answering this question, list the languages you have experience with and explain what projects you’ve worked on in each language.

Example: “I have extensive experience working with Java, C++ and Python. I started my career as a software engineer using Java, where I developed many programs for small businesses. In my last role, I primarily used C++ to create new features for an existing program. My first job was developing applications using Python, so I’m still quite comfortable using it.”

What do you think is the most important aspect of software engineering?

This question is a great way to determine how the candidate prioritizes their work. It also gives you insight into what they think about software engineering as a whole. Your answer should show that you understand the importance of each aspect and can explain why it’s important.

Example: “I believe the most important part of software engineering is communication. Software engineers need to be able to communicate with one another, both within their teams and across departments. This allows us to share ideas and collaborate on projects more effectively. Communication is also essential when working with clients or other stakeholders. I always make sure my team members know that I’m available for questions or concerns.”

How often do you make mistakes when coding?

This question can help the interviewer understand how you respond to failure. Your answer should show that you learn from your mistakes and use them as opportunities for growth.

Example: “I make coding mistakes all the time, but I try to catch them before they become major issues. When I first started coding, I would get frustrated when I made a mistake because it would take me longer to fix it than if I had done it right the first time. Now, I see my mistakes as learning experiences. If I make a mistake while coding, I stop what I’m doing and write down what I was working on so I don’t forget later. Then, I go back and fix the problem.”

There is a bug in the code. How would you identify and fix it?

This question is a great way to test your problem-solving skills and ability to work with other team members. When answering this question, it can be helpful to explain the steps you would take to identify and fix the bug in the code.

Example: “I would first make sure that I understand what the bug is and how it’s affecting the software. Then, I would check if there are any updates or patches for the bug. If not, I would create a new version of the software without the bug. After testing the new version, I would release it to my team.”

What do engineering managers ask in interview?

With this engineering manager interview question, you can give the candidate an example scenario or probe into their experience at particular companies. You can ask “tell me about a time when your project was on schedule?” and “how did you help make that situation happen?”

What should I ask a software engineer manager?

28 Top Interview Questions to ask Engineering Managers (2022).
What made you decide to join the company?.
What do you like about working for the company?.
What are you most passionate about in your position?.
What excites you most about the company's future?.
How would you describe the company culture?.

How do I become a software engineer manager interview?

Preparing for the Interview.
Develop a Story Bank. To be successful in the engineering manager interview, we strongly recommend creating a story bank of your experiences before your interviews. ... .
Research the Interview Process for Companies. ... .
Prepare for System Design Interviews. ... .

What interview questions will be asked to an IT manager?

Here are 10 general questions you might be asked during an IT manager interview:.
Why are you interested in IT management?.
Why do you want to work for our company?.
Describe your management style..
How do you define success?.
What is your biggest management weakness?.
Which aspect of IT work do you enjoy the most?.