State farm total loss department phone number

If your car has been damaged and the potential repair costs exceed the value of the car, it is considered a total loss. Here are answers to common questions that spring up when your vehicle has been declared totaled.

How do you determine if your car is totaled?

After a loss (for example, a collision, vehicle fire or flood damage), there are a few reasons an insurance company may declare your vehicle a total loss. Often, the repairs are estimated to cost more than what the vehicle is worth — vehicle worth being the actual cash value determined by its year, make, model and major options, as well as mileage and overall condition. (Though the damage may not look bad, the repair can cost much more than you'd think.)

Other reasons for totaling a vehicle include when the damage makes the car irreparably unsafe or if your state's regulations require it for your vehicle's damage severity.

How much will you get for a totaled car?

You'll receive the determined actual cash value of the vehicle, minus the deductible you chose when insuring it, as well as any applicable state taxes and/or fees.

What happens when your car is totaled and you still owe money?

You'll be responsible for satisfying your loan agreement whether or not the money you receive covers it all. This is why you might consider GAP (Guaranteed Asset Protection) insurance, so called because it covers the gap between what you owe on the vehicle and its current market value.

What is considered totaled in Oklahoma?

Total-loss laws in Oklahoma According to Oklahoma law, a totaled car is one that needs structural repairs costing over 60% of the vehicle's actual cash value. When that's the case, the car must get a salvage title. If the damage percentage is 80% or more, it needs a junk title.

Can you keep a totaled car in PA?

It is possible to keep the totaled vehicle. If in the event you want to keep the totaled car, you must purchase it from the insurance company. You are responsible for the cost of the repairs or can use your insurance payout.


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