What are the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy at 5 weeks

Lower tummy/abdominal pain and/or bleeding during pregnancy may be due to a number of causes. It is however very important that an ectopic pregnancy as the cause is excluded. If not diagnosed and treated quickly an ectopic pregnancy can lead to internal bleeding and a medical emergency.

Some experience symptoms that are similar to other conditions such as gastroenteritis (tummy bug), urinary tract infection (UTI), pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and miscarriage, which are the most common ways to misdiagnose an ectopic pregnancy. Not all experience symptoms.

When ectopic pregnancy symptoms start

The diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy may sometimes be difficult, and symptoms may occur from as early as 4 weeks pregnant and up to 12 weeks or even later. In addition, although there are a number of recognised risk factors, in over 50% of women diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy, there are no identifiable risk factors. See the reasons for an ectopic pregnancy page for more information.

If your instincts are screaming at you that something does not feel right, it is OK to trust them and ask for reassessment at any time. Please do be vigilant and take any pain that concerns you seriously until absolutely proven otherwise.

If you are experiencing any of the following ectopic pregnancy symptoms, please contact your doctor/GP or your local Early Pregnancy Unit. You can also call the NHS Direct 111 service by dialling 111 or access the NHS GP at Hand service. You can contact your out-of-hours doctor/GP service if your normal surgery is closed or go to your local Accident and Emergency department (A&E) or Urgent Care Centre.

You can also view all the options for gaining professional help here.

What does ectopic pregnancy pain feel like?

Ectopic pregnancy pain can be on one side of the tummy, or lower abdomen, or in the pelvic area, or at the tip of the shoulder. Experiencing these pains during early pregnancy may mean that you could be experiencing ectopic pregnancy. Consult an emergency healthcare professional immediately.

What are the chances of a woman or pregnant person having an ectopic pregnancy?

The risk of ectopic pregnancy is not uncommon – around 1 in 80 pregnancies are ectopic. This is when the fertilised egg implants itself outside of the womb, most commonly in a Fallopian tube, but other sites can be on an ovary, within a Caesarean section scar, or in the cervix.

Deciding whether your symptoms are getting worse

It can be difficult to know which symptoms are concerning. Are they symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy or normal pregnancy sensations? If you are at worried, you should seek medical advice. Contact your doctor/GP or local Early Pregnancy Unit for advice. Your GP will likely refer you to your local Early Pregnancy Unit for an assessment by a healthcare professional. This may involve a blood test to check hormone levels and/or an ultrasound scan depending on how many weeks pregnant you are and your symptoms.

It is important to remember that normal pregnancy symptoms are common and that not everyone experiencing such symptoms will have an ectopic pregnancy. It could still be a viable, healthy pregnancy. However, it is important to be vigilant. If in doubt, seek medical attention and advice from healthcare professionals.

Ectopic Pregnancy Symptoms Checker

What are the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy at 5 weeks

An ectopic pregnancy is when a fertilised egg implants itself outside the womb, usually in one of the fallopian tubes. This means the embryo will not be able develop into a baby as the fallopian tube is not large enough to support the growing embryo.

In a few cases an ectopic pregnancy causes no noticeable symptoms and is only detected during routine pregnancy testing. However, most women do have symptoms and these usually become apparent between week 4 and week 12 of pregnancy.

Early diagnosis and treatment is important to prevent life-threatening bleeding and also, if possible, so the tube can be saved and it can continue to work.

Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy

If you have an ectopic pregnancy, you might experience:

One-sided abdominal pain — typically on one side of your abdomen (tummy), which can be persistent and severe.

Vaginal bleeding — vaginal bleeding is a different type of bleeding from your regular period. It often starts and stops, and can be bright or dark red in colour. Some women mistake this bleeding for a regular period and do not realise they are pregnant.

Shoulder tip pain — shoulder tip pain is felt where your shoulder ends and your arm begins. It is not known exactly why shoulder tip pain occurs, but it usually occurs when you are lying down and is a sign that the ectopic pregnancy is causing internal bleeding. The bleeding is thought to irritate the phrenic nerve, which is found in your diaphragm (the muscle used during breathing that separates your chest cavity from your abdomen). The irritation to the phrenic nerve causes referred pain (pain that is felt elsewhere) in the shoulder blade.

Bowel pain — you may experience pain when passing urine or stools.

Diarrhoea and vomiting — an ectopic pregnancy can cause similar symptoms to a gastrointestinal disease and is often associated with diarrhoea and vomiting.

How is ectopic pregnancy diagnosed?

It can be difficult to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy from the symptoms alone, as they can be similar to other conditions.

Some of the tests used to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy include:

  • vaginal ultrasound
  • blood tests
  • keyhole surgery

How is an ectopic pregnancy treated?

If an ectopic pregnancy is detected at an early stage, a medication called methotrexate is sometimes needed to stop the egg developing. The pregnancy tissue is then absorbed into the woman's body.

Methotrexate is not always needed, as in around half of cases the egg dies before it can grow larger.

Ectopic pregnancies detected at a more advanced stage will require surgery to remove the pregnancy sac.

If an ectopic pregnancy is left to develop, there is a risk that the fertilised egg could continue to grow and cause the fallopian tube to split open (rupture), which can cause life-threatening internal bleeding.

Signs of a ruptured fallopian tube are:

  • sudden, severe, sharp pain
  • feeling faint and dizzy
  • feeling nauseous or vomiting
  • diarrhoea
  • shoulder tip pain

A ruptured fallopian tube is a medical emergency. If you think that you or someone in your care has experienced this complication, call 000 and ask for an ambulance.

Why does an ectopic pregnancy happen?

In a normal pregnancy an egg is fertilised by sperm in one of the fallopian tubes, which connect the ovaries to the womb. The fertilised egg then moves into the womb and implants itself into the womb lining (endometrium), where it grows and develops.

An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilised egg implants itself outside the womb. It most commonly occurs in a fallopian tube (this is known as a tubal pregnancy), often as the result of damage to the fallopian tube or the tube not working properly.

Less commonly (in around 2 in 100 cases), an ectopic pregnancy can occur in an ovary, in the abdominal space or in the cervix (neck of the womb).

In many cases, it's not clear why a woman has an ectopic pregnancy. Sometimes it happens when there's a problem with the fallopian tubes, such as them being narrow or blocked.

The following are all associated with an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy:

  • pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) — an infection of the female reproductive system, typically caused by chlamydia
  • smoking
  • having a previous history of ectopic pregnancies
  • previous surgery on your fallopian tubes — such as an unsuccessful female sterilisation procedure, or other surgery in your pelvis or abdomen
  • fertility treatment, such as IVF — taking medication to stimulate ovulation (the release of an egg) can increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy
  • becoming pregnant while using an intrauterine device (IUD) or intrauterine system (IUS) for contraception — it's rare to get pregnant while using these, but if you do you're more likely to have an ectopic pregnancy
  • becoming pregnant while using the mini (progesterone-only) pill
  • having endometriosis
  • increasing age — the risk is highest for pregnant women who are aged 35-40

In around half of all cases, there are no obvious risk factors.


The loss of your pregnancy at any stage can have a huge impact on you and your partner. One day you are pregnant and planning your future life with your child, and then within a short time, your pregnancy ends. The ending of an ectopic pregnancy is a form of miscarriage – and the feelings that a woman and her partner may experience can be similarly difficult.

It is not uncommon for feelings of grief and bereavement to last for 6 to 12 months, although these feelings usually improve with time.

Pregnancy, Birth and Baby offers free and confidential support and counselling to women, their partners, friends and relatives. Call on 1800 882 436.

Many women affected by a miscarriage benefit from counselling. SANDS (miscarriage, stillborn and neonatal death support) provide support groups for parents and their family whose baby has died through stillbirth, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy and medically advised termination.

Information on SANDS groups in Australian states can be obtained from the SANDS Australia website.

Trying for another pregnancy

It is normally recommended that you wait for at least 2 menstrual cycles before trying for another pregnancy, as this will allow time for your fallopian tubes to recover (if treated with methotrexate, you will need to wait at least 3 to 4 months). However, many women are not emotionally ready to try for another pregnancy so soon.

Your chances of having a successful pregnancy will depend on the underlying health of your fallopian tubes.

If you cannot conceive in the normal way then fertility treatment such as in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) may be an option.

IVF treatment is where an egg is fertilised by a sperm outside the womb (usually in a test tube) and, after fertilisation, the embryo is surgically implanted into the womb.

What would an ectopic pregnancy feel like at 5 weeks?

Early warning of ectopic pregnancy Often, the first warning signs of an ectopic pregnancy are light vaginal bleeding and pelvic pain. If blood leaks from the fallopian tube, you may feel shoulder pain or an urge to have a bowel movement.

What is ectopic pregnancy pain like?

There might be pain in the pelvis, abdomen, or even the shoulder or neck (if blood from a ruptured ectopic pregnancy builds up and irritates certain nerves). The pain can range from mild and dull to severe and sharp. It might be felt on just one side of the pelvis or all over.

What are 3 signs of an ectopic pregnancy?

Ectopic Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms Light vaginal bleeding and pelvic pain. Upset stomach and vomiting. Sharp abdominal cramps. Pain on one side of your body.

How long does it take to know if your pregnancy is ectopic?

Women with an ectopic pregnancy may have irregular bleeding and pelvic or abdominal pain, often on one side. Symptoms most often appear 6 to 8 weeks after the last normal menstrual period. Ectopic pregnancy may be treated in several ways, depending on whether the fallopian tube has burst.