What do i wear to a chiropractor appointment

While going to the doctor is a normal part of our lives and something that we have been doing since before we were even conscious of it, seeing a chiropractor seems to be a very different sort of “doctor experience” for most people.

One of the main questions that come up as soon as you make your appointment is what do you wear when you go to your chiropractor’s office for your first visit.  Know that you are not alone in having this question, and there are a few things to keep in mind regarding chiropractic attire.

 Making sure that you arrive at your appointment to see your chiropractor wearing the correct sort of clothing will make your office visit as pleasant and smooth as possible. It will make you feel more comfortable as you continue to see your doctor in the future.  This will help ensure that you have a happy, healthy back for a long time to come.

How Do I Prepare for My First Chiropractic Visit?

To ensure that your stress levels are at a minimum for your first visit to the chiropractor, there are several things to be prepared for to foster a positive initial visit.  There are typically three main parts to your first chiropractic visit.

Patient History Intake

This is very common with any sort of medical professional that you see.  You will fill out some questionnaires that will cover your personal medical history and your family history that might affect the issues you are currently facing.  Some questions that are specific to the chiropractor that you should be prepared to answer might include:

  • When did your back pain begin?
  • Where is the pain located?
  • Describe the pain that you are experiencing.
  • Is the pain a result of an injury?
  • Do particular activities make the pain better or worse?

Please make sure that you are as open and honest with your chiropractor as possible.  Don’t be ashamed to tell them any information that might be directly related to your back issues.  The more that they know about your problems, the better equipped they will be to help you.

The Exam

No one particular method is used to diagnose the root cause of your back issues. However, you can expect a physical exam that will help determine exactly which part of your back and spine the chiropractor will need to focus on.

According to Steven Yeomans, DC FACO, “A chiropractor may utilize a variety of methods to determine the spinal segments that require chiropractic treatments, including but not limited to static and motion palpation techniques determining spinal segments that are hypo mobile (restricted in their movement) or fixated.”

In addition, some chiropractors might find it necessary to take x-rays to see exactly where the misalignment in the back is, or they might use a device to note temperature variation in the area that can help pinpoint troubled regions.


After considering the patient’s medical and family history and the results from the initial exam, the chiropractor will then diagnose the patient’s issue.  If the diagnosis is not within the chiropractor’s realm of expertise, he will refer the patient to the correct type of doctor who will adequately assist the patient.

Suppose the diagnosis is within the chiropractor’s wheelhouse. In that case, the patient should expect to sit down with the doctor and develop a treatment plan that they are both comfortable with and that will hopefully lessen or alleviate the patient’s back pain.

Also, make sure that you ask the chiropractor any questions that might be weighing on your mind while you are in the office. The diagnostic portion of the visit is the perfect time to ask those questions.

If you forget anything, don’t hesitate to call the office and leave a message for the chiropractor to get in touch with you.  This will assist your doctor in developing a treatment plan that is unique to your needs and help you feel more comfortable with your new chiropractor.

What Should I Bring to the Chiropractor?

As with any doctor visit, some things are just a given that you need to bring to your chiropractor. You need to make sure that you bring a copy of your current ID or driver’s license and a copy of your health insurance along with a payment method if applicable.

Suppose an injury that is work, car, or other accident is the reason for your visit to the chiropractor. In that case, you will need to bring a few extra pieces of information with you to make sure that your visit goes smoothie and the office staff has all the information they need to get started on your claim.

Make sure to have:

  • Your attorney’s information – If you are working with a lawyer on an injury claim, it will be beneficial to offer that information to your chiropractor’s office so that they will be able to communicate easily.
  • A copy of the police report – If you were injured in a car accident, again, you want to offer the office all of the information necessary to make the communication between your doctor’s office and the people they will need to speak to on your behalf as seamless as possible.

Do I Have to Undress for the Chiropractor?

This is a pervasive question asked about the first visit to the chiropractor. It gives credence to why many could feel uncomfortable making an appointment until they are familiar with the facts.

No, you do not have to undress when you visit the chiropractor.  Ladies, you do not even have to remove your bra, whether it’s an underwire or sports bra. This, no doubt will alleviate much of the apprehension that comes with the unknown about visiting the chiropractor for the first time.

On occasion, you might have to remove a piece or two of clothing for an extreme alignment or a massage, but those times are infrequent, and you will never have to be fully unclothed.

However, there are suggestions as to what you should wear to your chiropractic visit to ensure maximum comfort on everyone’s behalf.

What Do I Wear to a Chiropractic Appointment?

While there is no absolute right or wrong answer to this question, some suggestions are relatively consistent across the board that you DO NOT want to wear to the chiropractor.

If you are stopping into the doctor’s office directly from work, there are a couple of things you can do to still make your appointment on time.

  • Men, if you must wear a suit and tie to work, take them off before you go in for your visit.
  • Ladies, if you must wear a dress or skirt, make sure that you wear leggings or shorts underneath your dress.
  • Ladies, try to avoid heels if possible. They can cause damage to the table and get caught on your chiropractor’s clothing.
  • If you have time, it can be beneficial for both women and men to bring a change of clothing to your appointment and put on your loose, stretchy clothes before going in for your visit.

If you are coming in for your appointment from home or do have time to go and change before your appointment time, then there are a few other things to keep in mind when you are dressing to see the chiropractor.

  • Try to remember to remove any necklaces that you might typically wear. They can get caught up and tangled during the treatment process.
  • Try not to wear too many layers of clothing. This will make it difficult for the doctor to treat your back through thick, multilayered clothing effectively.
  • Belts and jeans are not ideal, as they tend to be tight around your midsection, and they can limit your range of motion.
  • Do not wear a shirt that is too big. Your shirt can get caught around your body or expose too much of your body as you are adjusted.
  • Remove your glasses so that they do not get in the way.
  • Do not wear a hat to the chiropractor, as you will just have to remove it anyway.

The best rule-of-thumb when dressing for the chiropractor is to dress like you were going to the gym, and not what you wear to try on wedding dresses. The key thing to try is to make sure that you have stretchy, loose-fitting garments.  That way, if you have to have an adjustment or a massage, your clothing will not impede your treatment.

Things that you SHOULD wear/do include:

  • Pull your hair back.
  • Wear tennis shoes or shoes that are easily removed.
  • Yoga pants are great to wear because they allow for an excellent range of motion.

If you need any other clothing options for the chiropractor, you may want to check out prime wardrobe. 

Can I Wear Leggings to the Chiropractor?

As leggings are a great option of clothing to wear to the gym to support a full range of motion as you work out, they would also be a great option to wear to the chiropractor, as well.

If you are coming in from work, and you have on a dress, simply putting on a pair of leggings under the dress will save you from having to go home and change clothes before your appointment, provided that your dress is not too tight.

In terms of pants, leggings, yoga pants, and sweat pants are the optimal bottoms for the chiropractor.  They are comfortable, and they will allow for a full range of motion as your chiropractor adjusts, moves, and manipulates your body to alleviate your back pain. If you need some new leggings, here are some of the best yoga pants with side pockets for your phone.

The Final Word On Dressing for the Chiropractor

While there is not a particular outfit that your chiropractor will expect to see you in during your visit, you want to ensure that you receive optimal relief for your pain from your doctor.

Ensuring non-restrictive clothing is the key to a comfortable chiropractic visit for both you and your doctor.  You will be able to receive the treatment you seek, and the doctor will work on your current issues, easily manipulating and moving your body with as little restriction as possible.

Try to dress as if you are going to work out at the gym, pull your hair back out of the way, remove all unnecessary items like jewelry, glasses, belts, and ties, and you will be well on your way to a comfortable, successful visit to the chiropractor.

Ultimately, if you are unsure about anything related to your visit to the chiropractor, give the office a call and ask questions.  The doctor’s staff will no doubt be able to answer them for you, help you to set aside any fears you may have about your visit, and have you ready to enter this new part of your medical life on a positive note.

How should I dress to go to the chiropractor?

Wear Something Comfortable When you visit a chiropractor for an adjustment, your clothes should not restrict movement. You need to be able to lie down in them and move easily. Loose clothing makes this simpler. You can wear comfortable running shorts, yoga pants or leggings with a loose top or shirt.

Do you keep your clothes on at the chiropractor?

For most routine chiropractic appointments, you won't need to remove any clothing. As long as nothing you're wearing is impeding your adjustments, your chiropractor should be able to perform them fully clothed.

What to expect the first time you go to the chiropractor?

Your first visit will likely involve an adjustment. This is a quick and painless process most of the time. You will lie on a table and the chiropractor can push, pull, or twist sections of your body to identify and repair any misalignments in your spine.