What does wait upon the lord mean

In the modern world, people don’t really like to wait around. We have a lot of on-demand services like lightning-fast internet and high-resolution movies and downloadable entire television series. We can hop in a car, drive to a restaurant and be home with food in just a few minutes. We despise waiting times in places like hospitals or the DMV. 

So, in a culture where we don’t like to wait, what does it mean to wait on the Lord?

What does it mean to wait on the Lord?

On the surface level, waiting on the Lord is the literal act of waiting. You might be waiting on the Lord to answer a prayer, or you might be waiting on Him to fulfill one of His promises according to Scripture. Regardless of what it is, there is often a literal time of waiting on the Lord to do something that requires patience from many of us. So, why is this in the Bible?

Why would the Bible teach us something so simple and obvious as “You have to be patient while waiting for someone to do something”? Well, the word we’ve translated from ancient Hebrew into “wait” in the sections of the Bible where “wait on the Lord” is used is “qavah.”

Qavah means to “to wait, look for, hope and expect.” This is a deeper sense of waiting than simply being patient for an action or response. It is a hope rooted in faith that the Lord will come through. He has an ultimate plan of restoration for humankind, and even if we don’t see them in our lifetime, we have hope that He will fulfill His promises.

What does it mean to wait on the Lord?   I believe it’s another way of saying that we trust God.  We trust him, as Lord in Heaven, who is in control of everything, to guard our life.


The promise that in Isaiah 40:31 is beautiful.  I love the imagery of my strength being renewed.  Eagles wings, running without getting tired…I’ll take it all!


It’s important to distinguish the difference, though, between having our strength renewed and getting everything we want (our goals, desires or everything we ask for in prayer).  When we wait upon the Lord, we’re trusting God to tell us what our goals are.  We’re allowing him to take charge.  We’re trusting that what he has planned for our life is far better than anything we could have ever imagined.   When we do this, God provides all that we need, exactly when we need it.  We can find our strength in him.


We wait.  We trust.  And even in the waiting, we have all that we need when we are following Jesus.

“Biblically, waiting is not just something we have to do until we get what we want. Waiting is part of the process of becoming what God wants us to be.” – John Ortberg

The waiting serves a purpose.  God wants us to become more and more like his Son, Jesus- and he knows what it will take for us to get there.  He never promised that it would be easy.  But he did promise that he will always be with us and that we can trust him. (Deut. 31:6)


I don’t want to try to make things happen for myself or to get what I want if it’s not what Jesus wants.  You can get everything you think you want, but if you don’t have Jesus, it’s just not the same without him.  If you’ve got him, you’ve got everything.


There is a story in John 21, about Jesus appearing to the disciples on the Sea of Tiberias, after he had already been resurrected.  The disciples had been fishing all night but had caught nothing.  In the morning, Jesus stood on the shore (but the disciples did not recognize him), and he told the men to cast their net on the other side of the boat, so they did.  The net was filled with so many fish that they were not able to haul it in.  Then they recognized that this man was Jesus.  When they got to the shore, Jesus cooked them breakfast.


One of my pastors said,


“Jesus doesn’t just want to give you the fish.  He wants to cook it for you.”- Jon Smith

I take that phrase to mean that when our desires align with what Jesus wants for us, we can trust him to take care of us, every step of the way.


Waiting on the Lord is a posture of the heart.  There is a Jesus who loves you so much and he wants to renew your heart.  Trust him, absolutely.

You’re waiting at the doctor’s office far longer than you expected (and say to yourself that previous experience would indicate that one should bring a book to this place!) Your eyes wander to a framed painting on the wall, with an eagle soaring over water and mountains. In small script underneath, it reads “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles” (Isaiah 40:31).

You first feel surprised that the doctor may be a Christian - or was it just his decorator?  Second, you realize how ironic it is to have a scriptural encouragement to wait patiently at the doctor’s office. Then your thoughts drift to other kinds of waiting.

Perhaps your many visits to the doctor are related to waiting for healing. Maybe you’ve been searching for a job far longer than you expected. A wayward child or a broken family situation may leave you feeling empty-handed and like all you can do is wait. So much of life is outside our control, even when it comes to our deepest needs. These are the times when waiting upon the Lord becomes most relevant.

What Does "Wait on the Lord" Mean? 

What did Isaiah mean when he wrote those words: “wait upon the Lord”? What would it feel like to have eagles’ wings at a time like this?

To put it simply, it all boils down to where your power comes from. An eagle rises to great heights, but has no jet engine behind him. His body is designed to maximize the power of the air, and he soars on unseen currents with agility and ease.

Isaiah welcomes us to see ourselves as dependent creatures, designed to rely upon something unseen, something greater than ourselves. It is not a weakness of the eagle that he is so dependent upon the power of air. Rather, this dependence is his greatest strength. 

Let’s go back to you, waiting in the doctor’s office. Those that wait on the doctor will (probably) eventually be seen by the doctor. The doctor can observe, sometimes prescribe, usually advise, and occasionally refer to specialists. What is the difference between relying upon your doctor and relying upon the Lord? Should you leave the doctor’s office and go find God’s office to wait in instead?

The Hebrew word Isaiah uses for “wait” is Qavah. It means “to wait, look for, hope, expect.” 

What do you expect will happen?

To figure out whether you’re waiting on the Lord, consider this question:

What do you expect will happen in your situation? 

The person in the doctor’s waiting room expects the doctor to play a part in her healing. The person waiting on God expects Him to use any and all of His resources to bring healing in the right time and in the right way. Maybe this doctor will be an important part of God’s plan to heal or maybe not. Either way, it’s God who will bring the healing.

Another person doesn’t have enough money in his bank account to pay rent, which is due in two days. He is applying for jobs left and right, but nothing has come through so far. He has asked a friend for a loan and expects this friend will probably help. But he ultimately expects that God will provide a job for him and will take care of his family, because he knows God is in charge of his life.

Riding the updraft of your mountain

To actively wait on God, fill your mind with the truth about God’s character, especially as it pertains to your situation. In Colossians, Paul says, “set your minds on things above, not on earthly things” (Colossians 3:2).

What does wait upon the lord mean

Why are eagles so often flying around the mountains? It turns out that this is where they get the best air currents. The upward shape of the ground produces strong upward drafts of air, and once an eagle catches one of these, it can ride it up and over the mountain.  More on this very interesting topic in this article.

Think about that: the very obstacle the eagle wants to get past produces the power to rise above it. Our difficulties can produce “updraft” for our thoughts to set our minds on things above.  

It may take some practice to deliberately “set your mind” on anything but your problems. But you can use your worry to generate reminders to set your mind on things above. 

  • Pick a specific scripture that pertains to your situation. (See some ideas below.)
  • Write it on a card or make it a background picture on your phone.
  • Anytime you find yourself worrying about your situation, pull out your card or your phone and read the scripture. 

If you are waiting on healing, search out scriptures and stories that describe God as a healer:

  • Jesus healed generously and joyfully! Mark 6:56
  • Jesus provided healing for all generations on the cross. Isaiah 53:4-6
  • Check out this article for many more scriptures on healing

If you are waiting on provision, immerse yourself in the truth that God takes care of His children:

  • “God is able to bless you abundantly.” 2 Corinthians 9:8
  • Jesus teaches us to look at how God takes care of birds and flowers for evidence of how He will take care of us. Matthew 6:25-34
  • This article points to many other scriptures about provision.

If you are waiting on direction for your life or for a specific situation, dwell on the fact that God has promised to guide us.

  • “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go…” Psalm 32:8
  • “This is the way, walk in it…” Isaiah 30:21
  • More scriptures on guidance are listed in this article.

Whatever your situation, let your concerns about it direct your attention upward, to your heavenly Father, who cares for you so deeply.

Using your past as evidence in the waiting

Your own story can provide evidence for your hope.  How has God helped you in the past? What obstacles have you overcome together?

Try this: when you’re telling someone about your problem, use it as an opportunity to also tell a story about God’s help in your life. 

For example: “My husband still doesn’t have a job, even though he’s working hard at turning in applications every day. This is really a test of our faith, but we’re putting our hope in God. He’s always taken care of us in the past. When we graduated from college, we had to wait till what felt like the last second before we knew where we would work next.  But at the right time, our future director approached us and invited us to join her team.”

The ultimate context

Let’s be real. Sometimes thinking about the past brings up more questions than answers.  Maybe you lost someone you loved, even though you prayed for healing. Maybe you’ve been in debt and are afraid of returning to that situation. We all have stories that remain unresolved. 

The thing to remember is this: the story isn’t over yet.

In one sense, all of creation, all of history, and all of humanity are waiting on God. We are waiting for the day when everything will be made right, when the old order of things will pass away, and the new will come (See Revelation 21:1-7). We know in our gut that this present reality is not as it should be. Even creation — and our amazing eagle — are waiting eagerly, groaning, as Romans says, for something better (Romans 8:18-39). If even the eagle, so majestic and free as it seems, isn’t yet how it should be, what will the new creation be like? 

If something in your past experience brings up questions and frustration, and seems to poke holes in your hope for God’s help, put it in the context of this broken world and God’s plan to restore it. Not everything is yet as it should be, nor as it will be. That loved one you lost should not have died — death is God’s enemy. This world is corrupted by destruction, disorder and malice. But Jesus will overcome all of His enemies, and the last of these will be death (1 Corinthians 15:24-26).

As you are waiting on God, let the unseen pressures lift you up to set your mind on things above. When you are powerless, turn to the Almighty One. And remember Paul’s words in Romans 8:

What does it mean to wait upon the Lord in Isaiah 40 31?

We acknowledge that we need the strength only he can give. And we wait for him, which is more than just passing time. In Hebrew, this word carries with it a sense of hopeful expectation. In the midst of hardship, we look to him as the one who works all things together for our good.

What does the Bible say about waiting upon the Lord?

The same word is used in Psalm 27:14, “Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!” Just because you were hoping, trusting, and expecting last year or 20 years ago, does not mean you are today.

How can someone wait upon the Lord?

9 Ways We Are To Wait Upon the Lord.
Acknowledging God's sovereign control of all things. ... .
Coming to terms with our dependence upon God. ... .
Seeking spiritual strength from the Lord. ... .
Being patient and quiet. ... .
Refraining from needless fear and worry. ... .
Continuing to learn and obey God's commands. ... .
Expecting the Lord to save..

What does wait on the Lord mean in Hebrew?

Qavah means to wait actively with anticipation, hopefully watching for God to act. The most familiar passage in scripture where we see qavah is Isaiah 40:31: “Those who qavah upon the Lord will renew their strength.