What is a community page on facebook

A Facebook page must be created by an official representative of the organization the page represents. If you want to create a Facebook page for a community, either physical or virtual, you must be affiliated with the community. Pages created by a user who is not authorized to do so are subject to deletion, if the organization the page represents reports the page to Facebook. If you are not an authorized creator, consider making a Facebook group instead, which may be started by any Facebook user. Once your page is created, managing the settings and description of the page takes just minutes.

  1. 1.

    Log in to your Facebook account, and click "Ads and Pages" in the left column of the homepage screen.

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    Click the "Edit Page" link next to the page you want to edit.

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    Use the links on the left side of the "Edit Page" screen to select which aspect of your page you want to manage. The "Your Settings" tab refers to your own communication with the page, such as notifications for new posts. The "Manage Permissions" tab lets you determine who is allowed to see your page and which Facebook users can post to your page. Other tabs include "Basic Information and "Profile Picture."

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    Click the "Save Changes" button at the bottom of every tab when you make alterations. If you don't save your edits before you move on to the next tab, your changes will not take effect.

    Facebook Community Pages are not a new feature; they were rolled out as beta in April 2010. There was quite a bit of commentary about the confusion Community Pages caused around how they are created, who chooses which Community Pages you connect with, and what content they provide.

    In essence, Community Pages are Facebook’s controlled version of Wikipedia, and right now much of the content on Community Pages comes from content Facebook licensed directly from Wikipedia.

    What’s the Point of Community Pages

    According to Facebook, the goal of Community Pages is to give users a way to learn more about a topic, a cause or an experience and see what others in the Facebook community are saying about this topic. The Help area of Facebook described Community Pages like this:

    Community Pages are a new type of Page that enable you to see what people are saying about the things that matter to you, and discover the friends and people who share these connections with you. They are similar to any other Page to which you can connect, although they won’t generate stories in your News Feed, and won’t be maintained by a single author. Where available for the relevant topic, they also show content that Facebook has licensed from Wikipedia.

    We think your experience on Facebook will improve as your profile is turned into a living map of all the connections that matter to you, instead of a static list of your interests.

    What Community Pages Look Like

    You may not have even noticed, but your profile is automatically linked to different Community Pages based on your interests and information you’ve entered. For example, on my Info tab, I list the high school and college I attended and both are links to Facebook-sanctioned Community Pages:

    What is a community page on facebook

    What is a community page on facebook

    What You Need to Know About Community Pages

    So what does all this mean for you, other than explain some of the random links from your profile? There two things you need to be aware of:

    Some Community Pages can be created by users, just as regular Pages are created (by clicking the Create a Page link from your Page administration page):

    What is a community page on facebook

    The wording there says, “Generate support for your favorite cause or topic by creating a Community Page. If it becomes very popular (attracting thousands of fans), it will be adopted and maintained by the Facebook community.” So basically, if you create a general topic page and it becomes very popular, Facebook will take control of it.

    2) Your business page can be recategorized as a Community Page at any time.

    Perhaps the most important factor for business users is that if you own or manage a business Page on Facebook, you can lose control at any time. If your Page is recategorized, you can appeal the decision, but if you ever tried to get support on an issue, you know how challenging it can be to contact Facebook directly and get an answer.

    According to the article “How to Avoid Facebook Business Page Recategorization” on Entrepreneur.com, you can reduce the odds that Facebook will swoop up and claim your business Page as a Community Page by getting a vanity URL, regularly updating your Page, and actively work on adding new fans.

    We don’t really know how Community Pages will change or what will happen to recategorized pages, but this is definitely an area to keep on your radar if you do anything with Pages for your business.

    For a look at some of the criticisms from earlier this year, read “Dear Facebook, WTF Are You Doing Now?” and “Facebook Hates Your Brand.”

    What do you think of Community Pages? Will the recategorization possibility impact the way you use Facebook Pages?

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    Alyssa Gregory

    Alyssa Gregory is a digital and content marketer, small business consultant, and the founder of the Small Business Bonfire — a social, educational and collaborative community for entrepreneurs.

    Where is the community page on Facebook?

    The Community tab is a hidden gem that showcases your community statistics. You can find this tab hiding in the “More” section of your official page. It has your top fans with their fan badge duration, page groups, number of page followers and page likes, mentioned posts, and more.

    How do I create a community Facebook page?

    Classic mobile browser experience.
    Tap in the top right of Facebook, then scroll down to Groups and select your group..
    Tap Create Group, then tap Create Group again to confirm..
    Enter your group name..
    Select the privacy option. ... .
    Add people to your group..
    Tap Create..

    Are Facebook community Pages public?

    Pages are public, although followers can choose to make their Page follow visibility setting private. To support people and organizations and help them grow their brand and community simultaneously, we're bringing the best of Facebook Pages and Groups together into a new community experience called community profile.

    What is the purpose of a community Facebook page?

    A community page on Facebook is an unofficial page designed for people to discuss an organization, topic or celebrity. Community pages do not officialy represent the business or person they discuss. You can see the community page badge on the top of the page which denotes is not an official page.