What time is it in orlando florida disney world

City of Orlando, Florida, USA

Current time, sunrise/sunset and moonrise/moonset times

Current time now in Time Zone: America New York (USA Eastern Time)

Orlando Websites

Official City of Orlando website

DisneyWorld, Orlando, Florida website: Walt Disney World Resort

Orlando is home to some of America's greatest theme parks but the City has a lot more to offer visitors.

USA phone area codes

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Eastern Standard Time/Eastern Daylight Time

Most of Florida, including Orlando and Disney World lies in the Eastern timezone. During the winter months this timezone is known as Eastern Standard Time (EST) and is 5 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT); during the summer months, this timezone is known as Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) and is 4 hours behind GMT.

What time is it in orlando florida disney world

Daylight Saving Time

Prior to 2007, daylight saving time in the United States began on the last Sunday in March and ended on the last Sunday in October. However, in the Energy Policy Act of 2005, daylight saving time was extended by a month, with effect from 2007: daylight saving time now begins on the first Sunday in March and runs until the first Sunday in November.

The dates on which daylight saving time begins and ends for the next few years is shown in the following table:

YearDST BeginsDST Ends
2022 13th March 6th November
2023 12th March 5th November
2024 10th March 3rd November

Other countries throughout the world may observe daylight saving time between different start and end dates or may simply not observe daylight saving time at all. Therefore the time difference between Orlando and other countries may change by an hour or two throughout the year.

For example, there is usually a 5 hour time difference between London and Orlando. Orlando switches to EDT on the first Sunday in March, whereas London does not switch to British Summer Time (BST) until the last Sunday in March: between these two dates there is only a 4 hour time difference between London and Orlando; similarly between the last Sunday in October (when London switches back to GMT) and the first Sunday in November (when Orlando switches back to EST) there is a 4 hour time difference between the two cities.

Walt Disney World Theme Park Hours / Parades and Fireworks Times

  • Extra Magic Hours - Early Theme Park Entry
  • Parades and Fireworks

Disney World Park hours are currently being released at around the 60-day mark. Disney World changes their park operating hours often. We will do our best to keep our calendars up to date, so please check back often. Report all discrepancies to [email protected].

Past Disney World Parks Hours for Reference:

Check Park Hours for Specific Dates


Wednesday 11/9/2022

  • Magic Kingdom: 9:00 - 10:00
  • Epcot Future World: 9:00 - 9:00
  • Epcot World Showcase: 9:00 - 9:00
  • Hollywood Studios: 9:00 - 9:00
  • Animal Kingdom: 9:00 - 7:00
  • Typhoon Lagoon: 10:00 - 5:00
  • Blizzard Beach: - REHAB

What is Rope Drop at Disney World?

Walt Disney World guests who consider themselves early risers might want to take advantage of what's commonly known as "rope drop" at the theme parks. Rope drop is more of a term describing the official park opening as there is not typically an actual rope involved. Often times, there are much fewer guests in the parks early in the morning compared to what you'll find during the day. A lot of folks like to get up early and take advantage of the lower wait times that could be available depending on how many people enter a particular park on any given day. As popular as it is to arrive early, we find that more folks like to sleep in on their Disney vacations, especially if they were out until the wee hours the night before.

Here are a couple of things we recommend:

  • Arrive at your theme park of choice approximately half an hour before the park is set to open that day. Each of the four main theme parks do something different at rope drop. Some do a little show, some do an opening performance, some don't do anything at all, but everything is subject to change at any time, so the surprise element is there too.
  • Have a good idea of where you want to go and which attractions you want to ride right away. It's a good idea to take advantage of booking some Lightning Lanes if you plan to use Disney Genie+, but also to allow time to utilize the shorter lines in the earlier hours of the morning.


    Although not as long as the previously offered Extra Magic Hours, Early Theme Park Entry and Extended Evening Hours are offered to select guests of Disney Resort hotels and some Good Neighbor hotels near Walt Disney World. These extra hours can be a very valuable use of your time if you're willing to give up some sleep on either end of your theme park day(s). We've found that the early morning option can offer lower crowds than in evening as folks don't tend to enjoy waking up super early on vacation.

  • Early Theme Park Entry
    Early theme park entry is a benefit for registered guests staying at Disney Resort hotels and other select Disney-area hotels.
  • Extended Evening Hours
    Guests staying at a Disney Deluxe Resort or Disney Deluxe Villa Resort or other select hotels can enjoy extended evening hours on select evenings in select theme parks. 
  • What time is it in orlando florida disney world

    What time zone is Disney World in?

    Time Zone in Walt Disney World, Florida, USA.

    What time in Florida just now?

    Current Local Time in Locations in Florida with Links for More Information (57 Locations)
    Fort Lauderdale
    Sun 6:31 am
    Fort Myers
    Sun 6:31 am
    Fort Walton Beach
    Sun 5:31 am
    Sun 6:31 am
    Time in Florida, United Stateswww.timeanddate.com › worldclock › usa › floridanull

    What is the time in Orlando Florida AM or PM?

    Orlando, Florida Current Local Time - Orlando, Florida Time Zone.

    What is Disney time?

    Disney Time is a television series that ran in the UK on the BBC, and also ITV at one point between 1961 and 1998. It was a regular holiday schedule filler.