What to do if you haven t brushed your teeth in a while

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The INSIDER Summary:

  • A 21-year-old named Jay from the UK hasn't brushed his teeth in 20 years.
  • He was featured in a recent episode of "Embarrassing Bodies."
  • His teeth were "caked in tartar, hardened food debris, and bacteria that's built up over 20 years of not brushing his teeth." 
  • Dentist James Russell, helped transform his smile. The difference is shocking.

Your mom, dentist, and maybe even your babysitter all probably encouraged you to brush your teeth twice daily. And it's with good reason, too: Regularly brushing helps prevent cavities and brightens smiles, says cosmetic dentist Marc Lowenverg. Because if you didn't devote at least five minutes (again, twice a day) to scrubbing your chompers clean, you could end up with a mouth full of cracked, decayed teeth. Kinda like this guy's.

Jay, a 21-year-old from the U.K., was featured in a recent episode of "Embarrassing Bodies" due to his painful-looking smile, which was the result of abstaining from oral hygiene for the majority of his life. "Over the years, I've eaten the wrong foods, I've drunk lots of fizzy drinks, and I haven't really brushed them, I haven't flossed," he said in the video.

Unfortunately, neglecting his toothbrush ultimately led to his teeth becoming "caked in tartar, hardened food debris, and bacteria that's built up over 20 years of not brushing his teeth." It also hurt his confidence and put a damper on his dreams of becoming a physiotherapist. "I feel embarrassed to tell somebody how to look after themselves when I haven't taken care of my teeth," he said.

Which is why Jay eventually signed up for "Embarrassing Bodies," where he met James Russell, a dentist, who'd eventually helped to transform his smile. After a complete evaluation, Russell concluded that 11 of Jay's teeth would need to be pulled — and eventually replaced with implants — due to decades of decay and tartar buildup. After five months of dental work, Jay was given a spankin' new, sparkling smile, along with a newfound confidence.

Jay's experience, while resolved in the end, is a great example of why it's so important to regularly care for your teeth, says Timothy Chase, a cosmetic dentist in New York City. "Unfortunately, having practiced for 25 years, I have seen many mouths as bad or worse than this young man," he tells Allure. "For teeth to get this bad, it takes a combination of things: poor diet, poor home care, and possibly aggressive bacteria. It is really unfortunate that he waited this long for treatment, but the good news is that with skilled clinicians and today's advanced technology, he can be restored."

With that being said, brush your teeth twice daily (at least) and don't let things get out of control. Not everything is reversible.

What to do if you haven t brushed your teeth in a while

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What to do if you haven t brushed your teeth in a while

We get it. You had a long day, you're tired, you already crawled into bed and are soooo comfortable and ready to relax into a blissful sleep...but you forgot to brush your teeth. *gasp* Nobody would really know if you skipped brushing just this once, right? It's not like it will make that big of a difference, will it? It's not like you do this all the time, maybe just once a week or so. It's not like you have a problem with not brushing your teeth... until you DO have a problem!

How serious is not brushing your teeth?

Rest assured, Gingivitis will find you if you skip brushing your teeth! Even if it happens occasionally, those times you let plaque hang out just a little longer on your teeth will start to add up and you could find yourself experiencing the beginning stages of Gum Disease.

What to do if you haven t brushed your teeth in a while

What to do if you haven t brushed your teeth in a while

It might start out as Gingivitis, which is reversible if caught early and treated properly. What steps can you take to reduce the symptoms of gingivitis?

  1. Start brushing twice a day for at least 2 minutes, and floss!
  2. Go see your favorite Dental Hygienist for a cleaning and establish a game plan to reverse the problem.

If left untreated, Gingivitis will become Periodontitis, and then Advanced Periodontitis. While not 100% reversible, you can establish a game plan with your Dentist and Hygienist to minimize the damage and get back on track before you start to lose tissue and bone that support the teeth. If you do nothing, you will eventually loose teeth.

Watch for these warning signs!

While not as bad as losing teeth, we haven't even talked about the dreaded, Halitosis, aka "chronic bad breath." Ew... nobody wants that. And gum and mints won't save you. Halitosis isn't like "morning breath" or "just ate garlic" breath. It will persist and have your friends and family scrambling about how to tell you that you have stinky breath without hurting your feelings. You don't want to put them through that, do you?If you are experiencing any of the following warning signs, call us(317-598-4746) to schedule an appointment immediately! We want to help you.

  • gums that bleed easily
  • red, swollen, tender gums
  • gums that have pulled away from the teeth
  • persistent bad breath or bad taste
  • permanent teeth that are loose or separating
  • any change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite

And if you are more of a video learner-type person... here's a visual illustration you can watch in under two minutes:

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How long can teeth last without being brushed?

One week without brushing: As soon as a week goes by, your teeth' enamel will start to break down. The plaque that hasn't been removed will make it easy for bad breath to grow. A dirty tooth will make it hard to clean.

Is it too late to start brushing my teeth again?

Taking care of your teeth Brushing at least twice a day or after each meal will help ensure that the teeth stay free of bacteria. It's never too late to take care of your teeth, and a good way to do that is through regular brushing.

What happens if you haven't brushed your teeth in a year?

But one year without brushing your teeth will likely result in an extreme build up of plaque causing cavities, gum disease and tooth loss.

Can a dentist tell if you haven't brushed your teeth?

Yes, the Dentist Knows They'll be able to detect the plaque and inflammation between your teeth even if you brushed and flossed right before you went in for your appointment.