Can i change my passport number after booking a flight

If you book a trip with incorrect traveler details or fill in incorrect info — such as your passport or ID number — later on, you can request a change:

  • Sign in and open your trip.
  • Scroll down to the Passengers section and click on “Edit passenger”
  • Edit the details and attach a passport/ID copy with the correct details.

    Changes are possible only after we fully confirm your booking with the carriers up to 48 hours before the trip.

Our agents will check the possibilities with the carriers and get back to you with the details. The conditions of the change and any possible fees will depend on the carriers — some carriers allow small corrections for free, while others always charge a fee.

Depending on your service level, we might also charge a processing fee. 

If there’s a fee, we’ll ask you to pay it before we proceed with the change. Once we change the details, we’ll send you a new e-ticket.

What if I dont correct the details?

If there's a mistake in your name, nationality, date of birth, or passport/ID details, the carrier might not allow you to board. You might also face difficulties getting through immigration.

Yes, you can. The steps are as below.

1.Confirm the reservation with the passenger(*1) who needs to confirm or change the passport information.
・To confirm the reservation by logging in: Login with (*1)'s JMB membership number and password
・When searching by reservation number: Enter (* 1)'s name in the last name and first name field to search
 *The passport information that has already been entered can only be cofirmed or changed by the person who has been authenticated at the time od booking confirmation.

(It will be displayed as "registered" only if you have verified it, and you can not check or change it at the same time.)

If you wish to confirm or change more than one person in your reservation, please do so one at a time.

2.On the Booking Details screen, click "Register of Passport Information" and then confirm or change your passport information on the Passenger Information screen.
   If you wish to change it, overwrite the information and click "Continue" to complete the change.
 *Gender and date of birth cannot be changed.

Note that some reservations made by travel agencies other than JAL are not available on the JAL website.
Please contact your travel agency.

No, you can make a booking without your passport details. Your passport number may, however, be needed at the time of online check-in.

Please note that if you are travelling to, from or via the United States, you need to give advance passenger information (passport details and the full address of your first night's accommodation in the US). You can add this information to your reservation through Manage booking.

For a flight to the Philippines, is it a problem if I submit my old passport number when I booked the ticket? I applied to renew my passport, in order to make a name change. I have to book a ticket now, but my new passport has not yet been received. How should I handle this?

Can i change my passport number after booking a flight


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asked Mar 19, 2017 at 22:46


If your personal details (such as name, date of birth, etc.) will remain the same, then you can provide your new passport at the checkin desk without issue.

The API (Advanced Passenger Information) that includes among other things your passport information can be updated as long as the flight has not departed.

If your old passport contains a valid visa, then you must carry it with you along with your new passport and present both to immigration (if required, for your destination).

answered Mar 20, 2017 at 2:44

Burhan KhalidBurhan Khalid

39.3k4 gold badges80 silver badges154 bronze badges


As a rule, no, it's not a problem, assuming nothing else has changed (meaning you booked your ticket with the new name, and do not need to change this as well). You can give them the new passport number when you check in.

answered Mar 19, 2017 at 22:51

Can i change my passport number after booking a flight


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