Create a second instagram account with same email

  • A Gmail Trick to Create Multiple Instagram Accounts on the Same Email:
  • Switch between different Accounts on the Same Mobile
  • Types of Roles in Instagram
  • Benefits of Adding Multiple Accounts to your Profile
  • Third-Party Apps
  • Final Words

Last Updated on March 8, 2022

Instagram is a popular social media giant with millions of active followers. It is the primary preference of the marketers when they are planning to start a new business, or when they want to promote their existing brand.

The usage of Instagram is quite straightforward. You just need to create an account to experience the enormous potential of this platform.

Generally, people use only one Instagram account to manage their businesses. However, you can create as many Instagram accounts as you want, but all of them must have an individual email address.

For all the business Instagram account you create, in order to do promotions and build authority on Instagram, you can hire services of BuyTrueFollowers. They will improve your presence for multiple business accounts on Instagram and help you reach worldwide audience.

It is not plausible to create more than one Instagram account with the same email address. But still, there are third-party apps that can be utilized to manage all your social media accounts from a single platform.

This article contains all the details of multiple Instagram accounts, and what are the methods through which you can manage all your tasks single-handedly.

It’s time to start our journey.

A Gmail Trick to Create Multiple Instagram Accounts on the Same Email:

Create a second instagram account with same email

Even though it is not possible to create multiple Instagram account by using only one email, however, there is a compelling hack that can be employed to create more than one Instagram account by using only one email.

So, if you are using a Gmail ID for your Instagram account, you can create as many emails as you want by putting + inside your email address.

For example, if you have a Gmail id of , then you can amend this email to username+ or username+, or you can use any combination of words to still receive the social media notifications to your primary id.

If you want to create 5 Instagram accounts with the same email address, then you can use the following combinations:

  • username+
  • username+
  • username+
  • username+
  • username+

Notifications of all of your Instagram accounts will be sent to the primary id .

Switch between different Accounts on the Same Mobile

You can handle and manage many accounts at the same time from your Instagram app. You just need to add a separate account and switch between the various accounts.

Follow the below steps to add another Instagram account for Switching.

Note: Please make sure that you are using the updated version of Instagram. If you have not installed the recent update of your Instagram account, you can do so by visiting the Google play store. Moreover, you can add only five accounts to your profile.

  • Open your Instagram app and tap on Three horizontal lines
  • Now tap Settings
  • Scroll down and tap Add an account
  • Enter the Username and the Password of the account you want to add

You have successfully added an account. Now it’s time to switch between accounts.

  • Go to your Profile
  • Tap your username at the top of your screen
  • Now tap the account you would like to switch to

Types of Roles in Instagram

Create a second instagram account with same email

While you add different accounts to your profile, there are three ways of assigning the roles to another account. These ways include:

  • Adding a user to the business manager
  • Adding a user to the advertisement account
  • Assigning affiliate page roles

Benefits of Adding Multiple Accounts to your Profile

If you are running a huge business, then it might not be possible to handle all the social media tasks individually. You might need the help of your partners so that your burden could be shared.

Here are the primary benefits of using numerous Instagram accounts

  • Your personal life would be segregated from your professional life
  • The account that is mainly designated for business gives you a lot of functionalities such as analytics, feedback management, and target ads.
  • Your privacy is secured
  • You will have the chance of engaging with different types of followers
  • Options of adding multiple locations

Third-Party Apps

Create a second instagram account with same email

There are also many third-party apps that are instrumental in managing the tasks of Instagram. You will have the options of creating different social media accounts and supervising all of them from a single point.

In addition to this, some apps are also used to download the images form Instagram, such as Hashtag.

Most popular apps associated with the functionalities of Instagram are One Up, Later, and Plan able.

These apps allow users to:

  • Post on different social media pages at the same time
  • Repeat the posts automatically
  • Handle the feedback more comprehensively
  • Have a detailed record of the analytics
  • Shorten the long links

Final Words

Managing more than one account at the same time will open the floodgate of opportunities for your business.

You will start interacting with the different people coming from diverse backgrounds. Apart from this, your burden will be distributed, and you will then be in a better position to handle all the tasks conveniently.

Igor is a SEO specialist, designer, and freelance writer. He believes that knowledge can change the world and be used to inspire and empower young people to build the life of their dreams. When he is not writing in his favorite coffee shop, Igor spends most of his time reading, traveling, producing house music, and capturing light with his camera. He is a sucker for good coffee, Indian food, and video games.