Do you use regular conditioner before leave in conditioner

Theoretically, you can replace conditioner with leave-in conditioner, but here’s why you should think twice before doing it. 

Rinse-out conditioners provide much needed internal conditioning benefits for your hair. If you skip the rinse-out conditioner and only use a leave-in conditioner, your hair could suffer from inadequate conditioning. Rinse-out conditioners help to give your hair strength, enhanced elasticity, moisture, and more on an internal level. 

Leave-in conditioners are not designed to condition the hair on the level that a rinse-out conditioner does. So, use a rinse-out conditioner after you shampoo your hair. Use a leave-in conditioner whenever your hair needs an overall boost. It’s totally fine to use both types of conditioners.

Author:Andrea Reyes

Do you use regular conditioner before leave in conditioner

Andrea is a mother, wife, writer, and natural hair enthusiast of 15 years. Currently on her natural hair journey, she’s been trying countless products and techniques to understand and embrace her natural hair. She is the creator of, a new website featuring informative articles that share tips, tricks, and techniques aimed to help others learn to love their hair through proper hair care. She writes with the hope of making hair care easier to understand and implement.

We recommend you start using leave-in conditioners if you have dry hair that looks dull even after using expensive hair care products. Leave-in conditioners moisturize your hair, prevent heat damage, and allow easy detangling. They act as a barrier against environmental damage and add luster to color-treated hair. You can use this conditioner on any hair type. In addition, you need not rinse off leave-in conditioners hair. This article explains the benefits of a leave-in conditioner, how it is different from the regular conditioners, a step-by-step guide to how to use it, and more. Continue reading to know more!

In This Article

  • What Is a Leave-In Conditioner?
  • Benefits Of Leave-In Conditioner
  • How To Use A Leave-In Conditioner
  • What Should You Look For In a Leave-In Conditioner?
  • When Should You Apply Leave-In Conditioner To Your Hair?
  • How Is Leave-In Conditioner Different From Regular Conditioner?
  • Tips For Using Leave-In Conditioner
  • Precautions And Side Effects
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Key Takeaways

What Is a Leave-In Conditioner?

A container of coconut leave-in hair conditionerA container of
coconut leave-in hair conditioner


Leave-in conditioner is an added step after washing and conditioning your hair. It is usually applied to towel-dried hair before styling. It moisturizes your hair, protects it from heat damage, and offers a level of detangling to effectively style your hair. Unlike regular conditioner, leave-in conditioner is not rinsed out of the hair. You can use these no-rinse conditioners on nearly every hair type.

Check out some more benefits of leave-in conditioners in the next section!

Woman with smooth hair as a result of leave-in conditioner.Woman with smooth hair as a result of leave-in conditioner.


Leave-in conditioners increase the moisture level in your hair which, in turn, helps in improving the overall health of your tresses. Listed below are the benefits of using leave-in conditioners.

1. Moisturizes Dry Hair

If you have dry hair, using a leave-in conditioner is the best option. It provides intense moisture to your hair and makes it stronger. Leave-in conditioners contain humectants that provide hydration to dry, fragile strands. If you want to buy a leave-in conditioner, choose a water-based formula that penetrates hair strands more easily than oil-based ones. Ensure that you apply the conditioner only along the hair length to prevent scalp irritation or infection.

2. Detangles Knotted Hair

Leave-in conditioner is the best hair care product for detangling your unruly and knotted hair. It contains ingredients that smoothen your hair. It helps reduce hair breakage and makes your hair soft. Also, it also makes it easy to style your hair.

3. Protects Hair From Environmental Damage

Environmental factors – like too much exposure to the sun – can dehydrate your hair, causing color fading and split ends. Leave-in conditioner coats every strand to protect your hair from cold and dry air. Also, apply a leave-in conditioner before hitting the swimming pool as it will prevent chlorine and salt from damaging your hair.

4. Makes It Easier To Style Your Hair

Leave-in conditioner can improve the manageability of your hair, making it easier to style with heat styling tools like curling irons and flat irons. The ingredients in leave-in conditioners smoothen your hair. Furthermore, it provides flexible hold and bounce to your curls.

5. Acts As Barrier Against Heat

To protect your hair from heat damage, apply a heat protectant before blow-drying, curling, or straightening it. Then, apply a leave-in conditioner to retain the moisture in your hair and prevent split ends.

6. Adds Luster to Color-Treated Hair

Leave-in conditioner revitalizes and smoothens damaged color-treated hair and protects it from the harmful sun rays that can lead to dullness and discoloration. It improves the appearance of your hair color and leaves your tresses with a gorgeous shine. There are special leave-in conditioners that are formulated for color-treated hair to seal the color and make it last longer.

7. Combats Frizz

If you have dry and frizzy hair, adding a leave-in conditioner to your hair care regimen will improve its condition. A good leave-in conditioning treatment provides long-lasting frizz control by locking moisture in the hair shaft. Also, these conditioners help tame the flyaways caused by static electricity.

Leave-in conditioners detangle knotted hair and moisturize dry hair. But, how do you use it properly? Keep reading to find out!

How To Use A Leave-In Conditioner

Woman applying leave-in conditioner to her hair in the bathroomWoman applying leave-in conditioner to her hair in the bathroom


Leave-in conditioner is applied after washing your hair. It can replace the regular conditioner that you are used to in the shower, but you can use both if you want — especially if your hair is particularly dry or damaged. Follow our step-by-step guide on using a leave-in conditioner like a pro.

Step 1: Rinse Your Hair

Start off by washing and conditioning your hair. Use a shampoo and conditioner that are specifically formulated for your hair type and that coordinate with the leave-in conditioner you are going to use.

Step 2: Apply Leave-In Conditioner

Follow the instructions that are listed on the bottle and apply the leave-in conditioner to your hair accordingly. While applying, avoid the roots and focus more on the mid-length and ends of your hair to avoid a greasy look. Generally, a little product will go a long way. However, if you have long hair, you may need to use more.

Step 3: Comb Your Hair

Try to use a wide-toothed comb to detangle your hair while it is wet. Your hair is more prone to breakage when it is wet. So, comb your hair gently after applying a leave-in conditioner to remove all the knots and tangles.

Step 4: Style Your Hair

Your hair is now tangle-free, silky soft, and ready to style. You may now blow-dry it or let it air-dry, depending on your preference.

Not all leave-in conditioners have the same formula. So, you should be aware of the points to consider to choose the best one for your hair’s needs. Let’s find out more in the next segment. 

What Should You Look For In a Leave-In Conditioner?

Curly haired woman checking the label
on leave-in conditioner products in the martCurly haired woman checking the label on leave-in conditioner products in the mart


This really depends on your hair type. Leave-in conditioners come in different formulas, like sprays, balms, oils, and creams.

  • If you have fine hair, use a lightweight spray that won’t weigh it down and, instead, will make it silky and smooth.
  • If you have dry and damaged hair, choose a creamy, nutrient-rich leave-in conditioner with moisturizing properties.
  • For color-treated hair, go for sulfate-free and color-safe formulas.
  • You should also look out for ingredients like botanical extracts, antioxidants, natural oils, vitamins, and heat-protectant properties.

Check out the next section to learn more about when to apply a leave-in conditioner to your hair.

When Should You Apply Leave-In Conditioner To Your Hair?

  • Apply leave-in conditioner after you wash and condition your hair. Since you don’t need to wash out leave-in conditioner, you can simply apply it to your wet hair.
  • If you apply leave-in conditioner before going to bed, your strands will absorb it while you sleep.
  • You can also apply it before blow-drying or heat styling your hair to protect it from heat damage.

Leave-in conditioners are different from regular conditioners in their formulations. Scroll down to know more!

How Is Leave-In Conditioner Different From Regular Conditioner?

Close up of a professional squeezing leave-in conditioner into her palmClose up of a professional squeezing leave-in conditioner into her palm


Leave-in conditioners have lightweight formulas that don’t weigh down your hair. They provide a detangling effect to help with combing and tend to be used right before you style your hair.

Regular conditioners are applied to wet hair after it has been washed with shampoo. They are also rinsed out after 3-5 minutes. Leave-in conditioners, on the other hand, do not need to be rinsed out. They can also be applied after conditioning your hair with a regular conditioner.

Listed below are some hair care tips for when you use a leave-in conditioner. Check them out!

Tips For Using Leave-In Conditioner

  • Figuring out your hair type is the first step to finding the perfect leave-in conditioner. Some conditioners are made specifically for colored hair, damaged hair, dry hair, etc. So, you need to get the one that will suit your hair type perfectly!
  • Choose a specific leave-in conditioner formula that works best on your hair type. Knowing what conditioner works for your hair type is important. A light leave-in spray will is ideal for fine hair. For medium to thick hair, a cream or gel-based leave-in product will be better to handle all the volume.
  • Don’t use leave-in conditioner every day. It may seem like daily conditioning is great for your hair, but the truth is that it can leave behind loads of build-up on your hair and scalp. Just apply leave-in conditioner once or twice a week. Furthermore, applying too much leave-in conditioner also leads to build-up on your hair and makes it dull and unmanageable.

But before you start using it, should you be aware of any side effects of using leave-in conditioners? Scroll down to know more.

Precautions And Side Effects

Leave-in conditioners do run a few risks. Allergic reactions to the ingredients in the leave-in conditioners are very rare, but they can happen. Hence, do a patch test before using the product. If the product is irritating your scalp, rinse your hair immediately and discontinue use. If the product is irritating your scalp, rinse your hair immediately and discontinue use. Try not to get any leave-in conditioner in your eyes, as it can burn. People with oily hair should avoid using leave-in conditioners because it can make your hair even oilier.

Leave-in conditioners are used on towel-dried hair to add moisture and volume to your hair. Incorporating a leave-in conditioner in your hair care regimen will detangle knotted hair, reduce frizz, and add luster to your color-treated hair. You can either replace your conditioner with a leave-in conditioner or use it after conditioning your hair. When searching for the right leave-in conditioner, choose the one suitable to your hair type and check for antioxidants, natural oils, or vitamins. Finally, conduct a patch test before using it. If you experience an adverse reaction, stop its usage immediately.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I wash out Leave-In Conditioner?

Leave-in conditioner is made with ingredients that can be left on your hair. Its light texture does not weigh hair down.

Does leave-in conditioner cause hair loss?

No, most leave-in conditioners are made with hair-nourishing ingredients that improve hair health, quality, and appearance.

Key Takeaways

  • Using a leave-in conditioner regularly after drying your hair will keep it moisturized, protect it from the sun and heat, and reduce frizz.
  • Always select a lightweight spray if you have fine hair. People with damaged hair can go for creamy, moisturizing leave-in conditioners.
  • Conduct a patch test before applying the leave-in conditioner as it may cause an allergic reaction in some.

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Do you condition your hair before using leave in conditioner?

Leave-in conditioner is an optional, added step after washing and conditioning hair. Much like the conditioner you use in the shower, it offers a level of detangling, moisturizing, and heat-protecting properties. Unlike the conditioner you use in the shower, leave-in conditioner isn't mean to be rinsed out of the hair.

Can you use regular conditioner and leave it in your hair?

Yes, you can use regular conditioner as leave-in in special circumstances, just make sure your regular conditioner does not contain Silicones, Dimethicone, Dimethiconol, Behenoxy dimethicone, Phenyl trimethicone, Simethicone, Trimethicone or Polydimethysiloxane in its ingredients list.

Do you use regular conditioner before deep conditioner?

Apply your regular conditioner before your deep conditioner if your hair is very damaged. Rinse out the products thoroughly and gently pat your hair so it's not dripping. Comb your hair so it's free of any tangles. Apply your deep conditioning mask, starting at the ends and working up your hair.

Is leave in conditioner the same as conditioner?

Leave-in conditioner is meant to re-hydrate your hair between shampoos. Regular conditioner, which is applied after shampooing, is used to re-hydrate and strengthen your hair after your shampoo. While both products are meant to be left in the hair after shampooing, they do have different purposes.