Far cry 6 pc vs xbox series x

After months of waiting, Far Cry fans finally have a new title to experience. The iconic Ubisoft franchise’s latest entry in Far Cry 6 arrived a couple of days ago on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PC and many other platforms. This is the series’ first title since the release of the spinoff game Far Cry New Dawn in 2019, and the first mainline title since Far Cry 5, which arrived in 2018.


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Users of next generation consoles have a lot of excitement for this title. While PC players will still receive the best performance and visuals, console users want to know if the game performs in the same stratosphere. Here’s how the game looks and performs on various platforms.


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Visuals of Far Cry 6 on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S and PC

Recently, popular gaming YouTube channel ElAnalistaDeBits tested Far Cry 6 on multiple platforms. Visually, the game plays with a dynamic resolution of 2160p and 60 FPS on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. With the Series S, the game plays with a dynamic resolution of 1440p and 60 FPS. Far Cry 6 performs with an average resolution of around 1800p. However, the Series X provides a bit more resolution in most scenario compared to the PlayStation 5. The PC version plays the best as players can easily play with 2160p resolution with an Nvidia RTX 3080, thanks to AMD’s FSR Quality Mode.

While the Xbox console provides better resolution, the next generation Sony console provides improved reflections. Additionally, PC has DXR reflections which improves the quantity and quality of shadows in the game. However, players might face some glitches with some assets. Along with that, PS5, Xbox Series X and PC players can also download a 26 GB texture pack as well, which looks much better than the normal ones. The PC variant also has the highest draw distance. While the PS5 and Xbox Series X has similar draw distances, the Series S version has slightly less.

Far cry 6 pc vs xbox series x


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Performance of the game on various platforms

The game loads quite quickly on all the platforms. However, the PlayStation 5 version does it in half a second less than Xbox Series X|S consoles. Other than that, the performance of the game is immaculate on all the consoles and PC. Players can easily expect to see 60 FPS on all situations, with little to no frame drops. So, players can definitely applaud the developers at Ubisoft Toronto for their job in optimizing the title.


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In the end, it seems like the developers have hit it out of the park performance wise. The visuals might suffer hitches sometimes with the texture pack. But, it rarely happens, and in most scenarios, players will experience high resolution gameplay on Far Cry 6.

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Far Cry 6 allows players to join the revolution and take down Gus Fring from Breaking bad.

In tapping actor Giancarlo Esposito to play Yara’s “El Presidente”, Anton Castillo, Ubisoft may have given its Far Cry series the scariest villain yet. And that’s no mean feat considering Castillo is up against the psycho Vaas (played by another Breaking Bad alumni, Michael Mando), fellow dictator/king Pagan Min and cult leader Joseph Seed. Esposito’s turn as Gus Fring in Breaking Bad, as well as Moff Gideon in The Mandalorian, makes him a great choice for the brutal leader of the thinly-veiled analogy for Cuba, the island nation of Yara.

Far cry 6 pc vs xbox series x

As with the previous games, Far Cry 6 is all about exploring, and engaging the enemy either head-on for some first-person shooter mayhem or picking them off stealthily. Most of the time, despite best intentions, the missions end up with the hail of bullets, fire, and explosions.

Far Cry 6 seems a bit of a muddle compared to Far Cry 5. I’m wondering if they are following the inverse of Star Trek movies in that the odd-numbered instalments are the better ones.

Having played through very similar plots in four Just Cause games, I’m not sure that a Latin American setting for a Far Cry game was the right choice, to be honest. Ubisoft, itself, has already included a similar setting in Ghost Recon: Wildlands.

Already embattled with controversy, Ubisoft was likely looking for the least controversial setting for the game. Who cares about killing the soldiers of a merciless dictator? Perhaps most of the Hanoi Jane entertainment media if they’d twigged that the game was about democracy-loving freedom fighters versus an evil communist dictator.

Far cry 6 pc vs xbox series x

But here we are, treading the familiar waters of a repressed Latino society ruled by an evil leader exploiting his subjects. Thankfully, the rebels have one man (or woman) army Dani Rojas on their side to cause havoc wherever there’s a military presence on the island.

Or not.

Just like staying put and enjoying the crab rangoon in Far Cry 4, and refusing to handcuff Joseph Seed in Far Cry 5 whisks players away to an early roll of the credits, Far Cry 6 has a similar quick ending. About two hours into the game Dani is invited to join the rebellion. There’s also a boat which, if you get in and head off in the general direction of Miami, you get treated to a relaxing ending on the beach listen to how the Yarran military managed to quell the rebellion. Loading up the save allows players to continue by the boat and make the right choice this time.

Far cry 6 pc vs xbox series x

Far Cry 6 has players travelling across the massive island nation of Yara in a bid to unite the various rebel factions against Anton Castillo’s dictatorship. The game is packed with vehicles including hovercraft, planes, helicopters, and a few exotic surprises. As with previous Far Cry games, the game is mission-based, offering players a selection of mission threads. As is the Ubisoft way, Far Cry 6 throws the gameplay book at players with an almost overwhelming number of things to do. Away from missions, there are installations and checkpoints to liberate.

The game features a cross-play system, via Ubisoft Connect, that allows progress to be saved in the cloud and resumed across platforms. It doesn’t work quite as easily as it does with Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (whereby you booted up the game and your save was there for you be it PC or Xbox). Far Cry 6 requires players to manually upload their save at the end of every session if they want to continue elsewhere and manually download it on the other platform. A bit clumsy, but better than nothing. It was this feature that enabled me to test the game across several different devices.

Far cry 6 pc vs xbox series x

My review was intended to be on Xbox Series X, but AMD ANZ sent over a PC code as well to test on their Radeon RX 6900 XT GPU. I also had an AMD-powered ASUS laptop, the RTX 3090-equipped review rig, my trusty Xbox One X, and my semi-retired OG Xbox One to try the game on.

I started with the Xbox One. Interestingly, the Xbox version had some different DLC included which meant every time switched platforms I needed to change equipment and amigo. A little odd. The game was very playable with no problems. I’d say that the game is running at about 30 frames-per-second at 1080p on the OG XB1.

I was pleasantly surprised with the high quality of the game on the Xbox One X in 1080p. I found Assassin’s Creed Valhalla virtually unplayable on the XB1X (I didn’t even both try it on the OG XB1)compared to the Xbox Series X and PC versions. The Xbox One X gameplay is faultlessly smooth. Yara’s lush vegetation looked inviting and the sunsets beautiful. Players opting to play on the Xbox Series X are getting the full Far Cry 6 experience.

Far cry 6 pc vs xbox series x

Moving on to the Xbox Series X in 4K HDR. Ubisoft’s decision to leave out ray-tracing on the top-end consoles is a bit of a disappointment as this is one of their big selling points. Still, the Xbox Series X maintains a decent frame rate running at 4K. There’s an optional HD texture pack that can be downloaded to crispen the visuals.

The PC version has all the knobs and whistles if you have a powerful enough rig. That means high-end PC owners will get to play the game with ray-traced shadows and reflections. For some added bling, there’s also an optional HD texture pack, but this requires a GPU with an eye-watering 11GB of RAM.

The game looks good, with some beautiful environmental effects. Behind this next-gen veneer is a graphics engine in need of an upgrade. The character models are good, but we should be moving towards more realistic-looking people rather than the still very good but not quite there character models we have been enjoying up until now.

Far cry 6 pc vs xbox series x

Whilst many outlets choose to get all excited about Ubisoft’s HR management, they overlooked a very real reason to get all triggered and upset. The game features cockfighting. The usually unassuming and apologetic Ubisoft seems to have taken a leaf out of Rockstar’s “couldn’t give a sh*t” book. Players can partake in Tekken-style poultry combat the likes of which will chill any card-carrying PETA member to the bone. However, for a game that lets you shoot dogs in the face, the cockfighting is pretty tame and tongue-in-cheek. But if you are one to get easily offended, I wouldn’t let that stop you.

I’m all for games being packed with things to do. I know there are lots of reviewers that moan about Ubisoft games being “too long”, something that I completely disagree with. But Far Cry 6 does seem to be a bit disjointed. Whilst Far Cry 5 kept me engaged, Far Cry 6 seems to lack narrative discipline. It feels a bit disjointed like Far Cry 4 and Far Cry New Dawn.

Far cry 6 pc vs xbox series x

The game has an extensive weapons modding mechanic via workbenches found in HQs. The only thing is once I’d got a decent silenced rifle and sidearm, I was pretty much sorted. Same with the special backpack weapons. The first one I got, that allowed me to fire rockets, was the only one I needed. I felt I should be swapping them out, but didn’t see the point.

Far Cry 6 does offer players the same over-the-top gameplay that has been a hallmark of the series since Far Cry 3, at least.  The huge sandbox environment encroaches players to find their own story carve their own path in amongst the set missions and activities. Players that prefer a more structured gameplay experience may find Far Cry 6’s undisciplined experience. Indeed, it’s a game that I found played better in short bursts, similar to Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed games.

Far cry 6 pc vs xbox series x

The game scales and runs well across all of the Xbox consoles from the OG Xbox One to the Xbox Series X. High-spec PC owners get the cream with the definitive version of the game.

The game does offer great value for money, an intriguing if throwaway plot, and all the tools to cause as much mayhem across the nation of Yara as you want. It’s a well-presented, polished presentation set in a beautiful setting with engaging, if unfocused, gameplay.

Rating: Great

Is Far Cry 6 better on PC or console?

Drawing instance is the best on PC, and the PC version benefits from DXR, improving reflections, shadows, and ambient occlusion. Reflections appear to be somewhat better on PlayStation 5 compared to those on Xbox Series X|S, but the Xbox Series X version benefits from a slightly higher average resolution in some areas.

Is Far Cry 6 better on Xbox Series X?

Far Cry 6 runs at a slightly higher maximum resolution on Xbox Series X than it does on PlayStation 5, but both consoles still use dynamic resolution scaling.

Does Far Cry 6 run well on PC?

Even on a lot of High-end PCs, Far Cry 6 runs terribly. Hardly achieving 60 FPS on Ultra settings even on PCs with RTX 3070s and 3080s at 1440p.

Does Far Cry 6 look good on Series X?

PC, PS5 and Xbox Series consoles tested.

Can Xbox and PC play together Far Cry 6?

Far Cry 6 is not crossplay as there is no cross platform multiplayer between PlayStation, Xbox, and PC. However, while you can't play with mates on different systems, there is at least cross-gen action. This basically means PS4 users can play with PS5 and the same for Xbox One with Series X/S.

Is Far Cry 6 better on PS5 or Series X?

To get some of the technical details out of the way, the PS5 version of the game runs at a dynamic 4K resolution. This is the case for the Xbox Series X version as well. The difference between both comes down to the variance in the resolution. The Xbox Series X can maintain a higher resolution than the PS5.