How long after chemo can you get pregnant

While becoming pregnant is generally possible for younger breast cancer patients, researchers believe many women change their minds after treatment.

Young women with breast cancer who undergo treatment with chemotherapy recover normal menstrual cycles at a high rate and becoming pregnant is generally possible, according to a new study, but many women change their minds about the desire to become pregnant.

Because chemotherapy is known to have a negative impact on reproductive ability for young breast cancer patients, fertility preservation procedures are often used. In France, where the new study was conducted, these procedures require certain facilities, which can make it harder to access for some women. The French National Cancer Plan recommends the service be expanded across the country. “We wanted to find out whether the need and demand for it among breast cancer survivors was on a par with the level of investment and organization called for by the policymakers,” said Jérôme Martin-Babau from Centre Armoricain de Radiothérapie, Imagerie Médicale et Oncologie in Plérin, France, in a press release.

The researchers sent a survey to 96 breast cancer survivors between the ages of 18 and 40 who were treated with chemotherapy for nonmetastatic breast cancer, of whom 60 agreed to participate. The results were presented at the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) 2018 Congress, held October 19–23 in Munich.

The median age at diagnosis was 36 years, and the median time between the end of their chemotherapy and participation in the study was 57 months. Most of the patients-83%-experienced amenorrhea, a complete absence of menstruation, during their chemotherapy treatment. Unexpectedly, 86% of those patients reported that their menstrual cycle returned to normal within 1 year after the end of chemotherapy treatment, indicating that the ovaries were not significantly damaged.

More than one-third of the cohort reported that they had plans to become pregnant before beginning the treatment. Only approximately 10% maintained the desire to become pregnant after chemotherapy. Of six patients who still wanted to have children, four became pregnant, though two of these ended in a miscarriage.

Martin-Babau noted that one-third of patients originally identified for the study did not respond, “possibly due to frustration with their personal situation.” Those patients could have changed the results, but the study still does suggest that natural pregnancy is feasible following chemotherapy treatment.

Matteo Lambertini, MD, of the Institut Jules Bordet in Brussels, who commented on the study, stressed that this shouldn’t change an important part of clinical practice when treating young women with breast cancer. “This does not mean that oncologists shouldn’t talk about fertility preservation measures with their patients, including in cases where their cancer center doesn’t offer fertility services onsite,” he said. “Indeed, the minority of women who are interested will gladly travel to the nearest facility that does.”

Lambertini added that pregnancy and reproductive issues remain important for this patient population. “As physicians, we must continue to discuss the potential loss of ovarian function and fertility with every one of our breast cancer patients, just like we would do with any other side effect of treatment: as early and as extensively as possible.”

Many premenopausal women who undergo chemotherapy will experience chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea (the absence of your menstrual period), premature menopause or infertility. Research has indicated that treatment-related menopause is less common in women younger than age 35 and is often related to the type of chemotherapy drugs used, the dosage of the drugs, and the patient’s age. Most premenopausal women will stop menstruating at least temporarily during or following chemotherapy. While they may have symptoms of menopause, we avoid using the term “menopause” as many regain ovarian function even a few years later and could even get pregnant while not menstruating. Instead, many doctors nowadays prefer to use the term “chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea” or CIA.


Because of potential harmful effects in the fetus, you will need to be very careful not to become pregnant while on tamoxifen. Also, a fact not widely known is that tamoxifen was initially developed as a fertility drug. Therefore, even if you are not menstruating regularly, you can still become pregnant while taking this drug and it is important that you and your partner use a non-hormonal form of birth control (such as barrier methods like condoms or a diaphragm). If you suspect you may be pregnant or if you want to become pregnant, make sure you discuss this with your doctors.

Pregnancy and safety

Although the data are limited, there is currently no evidence to suggest that pregnancy after breast cancer increases your chance of recurrence. It is often recommended to wait a few years after the completion of all treatment (this includes tamoxifen) to allow your body to recuperate. In the end, deciding when the best time to have a baby is a very personal decision. Being a cancer survivor should be a factor, but not the deciding factor, regarding when or whether you decide to become pregnant.

The best way to manage your fertility is to speak to your oncologist regarding your family planning desires as soon as possible. There may be ways to reduce your risk of permanent menopause through choice of adjuvant treatments (chemo and/or endocrine therapy). It may also be helpful to speak to a fertility specialist who is familiar with chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea (CIA), premature menopause, or infertility to discuss your options as soon as possible. Ideally, this individual would be someone who works closely with your cancer specialists.

MYTH: I shouldn’t become pregnant if I’ve had breast cancer in the past. Get the facts.

What happens if you get pregnant too soon after chemo?

Because chemotherapy kills rapidly dividing cells, it might damage the oocytes being recruited for ovulation, resulting in higher risks of miscarriage and birth defects in pregnancies conceived soon after treatment.

Can fertility return after chemotherapy?

If chemotherapy has made you infertile, it can be difficult to tell whether this is permanent or not. Some men stay infertile but others find their sperm returns to normal and their fertility comes back. It can take a few months or sometimes years for fertility to return to normal.

How long does infertility last after chemo?

Fertility problems from cancer treatment may be temporary or permanent. Some men regain the ability to produce sperm after treatment. This generally takes 1 to 3 years, but can sometimes take longer. Some men have only partial recovery, with low sperm counts, and some men never recover sperm production.

Can you have a baby after cancer treatment?

Often, pregnancy after cancer treatment is safe for both the mother and baby. Pregnancy does not seem to raise the risk of cancer coming back. Still, some women may be told to wait a number of years before trying to have a baby.