Salt lake city utah weather forecast 14 day

5 days, 7 days, 10 day, 14 days, 15 days, 16 days, 25 days, 30 days, 45 days, 60 days, 90 days

Fri 10/14
Salt lake city utah weather forecast 14 day
Plenty of sunshine
Salt lake city utah weather forecast 14 day
77°F 48°F
Sat 10/15
Salt lake city utah weather forecast 14 day
Sunny to partly cloudy
Salt lake city utah weather forecast 14 day
75°F 46°F
Sun 10/16
Salt lake city utah weather forecast 14 day
Mostly sunny and pleasant
Salt lake city utah weather forecast 14 day
73°F 48°F
Mon 10/17
Salt lake city utah weather forecast 14 day
Sunny and pleasant
Salt lake city utah weather forecast 14 day
73°F 46°F
Tue 10/18
Salt lake city utah weather forecast 14 day
Sunny and pleasant
Salt lake city utah weather forecast 14 day
73°F 50°F
Wed 10/19
Salt lake city utah weather forecast 14 day
Pleasant with plenty of sun
Salt lake city utah weather forecast 14 day
73°F 45°F
Thu 10/20
Salt lake city utah weather forecast 14 day
Plenty of sun
Salt lake city utah weather forecast 14 day
70°F 48°F
Fri 10/21
Salt lake city utah weather forecast 14 day
Mostly sunny and warm
Salt lake city utah weather forecast 14 day
73°F 48°F
Sat 10/22
Salt lake city utah weather forecast 14 day
Times of clouds and sun
Salt lake city utah weather forecast 14 day
70°F 46°F
Sun 10/23
Salt lake city utah weather forecast 14 day
Cloudy with showers around
Salt lake city utah weather forecast 14 day
63°F 45°F
Mon 10/24
Salt lake city utah weather forecast 14 day
Clouds and limited sun
Salt lake city utah weather forecast 14 day
61°F 45°F
Tue 10/25
Salt lake city utah weather forecast 14 day
Partly sunny
Salt lake city utah weather forecast 14 day
61°F 43°F
Wed 10/26
Salt lake city utah weather forecast 14 day
Abundant sunshine
Salt lake city utah weather forecast 14 day
59°F 39°F

What is the coldest month Utah?

December and January are the coldest months of the year. The shortest day is December 21, (winter solstice) with just nine hours of daylight.

Is Utah going to have a dry winter?

La Niña, rising global temperatures lead forecasters to predict a warm, dry winter for Utah. Climate change, higher overall temperatures and expectations for an unusual third consecutive year with La Niña conditions could all combine to bring another warm, dry winter to southern Utah and the rest of the American West.

What is the coldest month in Salt Lake City?

The cold season lasts for 3.0 months, from November 22 to February 24, with an average daily high temperature below 47°F. The coldest month of the year in Salt Lake City is January, with an average low of 23°F and high of 37°F.

What month does it start snowing in Salt Lake City?

It does snow throughout the winter season in Salt Lake City with over 500 inches of snow received every year. The snow season can start around October to April but snow will typically fall between November to March as those are the coldest months in Salt Lake City.