What happens if you leave st tropez express on overnight

  • #1

I had a client tonight ask me about tanning and I told her about the express tan but she said she wanted it really dark so could she sleep in it!? I think she was a bit confused as she's only ever had the 8 hour tan...my question is could you sleep in it, does it matter to the colour? I don't know why anyone would prefer the 8 hour tan over the express because I can't stand sleeping with tan on but I didn't have the answer to her question, I just told her she could wash it off after 3-4 hours and it obviously develops over night. But it got me thinking...I had visions of her looking like that lady from there's something about Mary if she slept in express tan all night lol, or does it get to a maximum colour and stops developing!? I do have other % but just hate not having the answer for the express

  • #2

With the Lauren's way Solution 60 i use i have slept in it but i never went really dark i would say max 12% it does keep developing afte you wash it off but no darker than 12%

  • #3

Oh i deffo prefer an 8 hour tan than a rapid one. I worry that I am not going to be dark enough so always sleep in it. Yes, it just develops to the % and then won't develop further xx

  • #4

I had a similar experience where I applied a 2 hour wash'n wear tan and my client wanted to sleep in it to become very very dark. I just said that the tan is recommended to be left on for 3-4 hours max and that I couldn't guarantee the outcome/result if she left in on for longer than that. For customers like that it's probably best to have a tanning solution that has to be left on for longer than a rapid tan.

What happens if you leave st tropez express on overnight


Well-Known Member

  • #5

Rapid/express tan can over-process if left on too long. I use MoroccanTan and wanted to see if this was true as i was getting asked by my clients if they could leave it on longer. I left it on over night and it was patchy and didn't last as long as usual.

  • #6

Great thanks for the replies, just what I was after! I have st Tropez express so if I wanted a darker 8 hour which % would you all recommend?

  • #7

Leaving an express tan on for longer than 4 hours will be drying to the skin (hence why Gee would have had the patchy results). But as others have said it would be pointless sleeping in the tan as after 4 hours the tan has developed to its peak.
I personally prefer my regular formulas (8 hour tans) too

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Are you about to start using sunless or fake tanner, and wondering if you can leave it on overnight? In this article, I want to talk about some of the things you need to think about immediately after tanning, and why going to bed immediately afterward can either be a good idea or a really bad idea depending on a few factors.

First, just to answer the question very briefly.

Leaving a fake tan on overnight is alright as long as the self-tanner doesn’t contain too much guide color, which can stain the sheets. Leaving your self-tanner on overnight can help the color to fully develop, but try to use a quality sunless tanning mousse without much tint so that it will dry quickly. 

Leaving Fake Tan On Overnight – The Basics

Many experts recommend that putting fake tanner on right before is a great idea, since there is plenty of time for the chemical reaction that forms the color on your skin to develop. This is completely true, applying self-tanner right before bed is extremely convenient, and you’ll wake up with a nice tan glow.  However, it’s important to apply the right kind of tanner before doing this so you don’t end up streaky, or staining your sheets!

So let’s start by talking about a few of the common self-tanners on the market, and then we’ll talk about which ones are probably best if you plan to tan before hitting the sheets!

The Different Self Tanning Products

First of all, it’s important to mention that all these different kinds of self-tanners can, and probably do, contain some guide color or light tint. This is very helpful, especially for beginners, as it allows you to easily see where you’ve applied the self-tanner, and where you might need to rub it in a bit more.

So if you do plan to self-tan before bed, and want to avoid staining anything, it may be best to get some practice with some guide color before moving on to a tintless tanner.

Also, all of the following tanning types ultimately tan the skin the same way, they just go about it slightly differently.

Ok, now the different types.


Lotions are ideal for people that are new to self-tanning. They tend to take a bit longer to absorb into the skin, so you have more time to spread it out evenly and fix any mistakes you may have made.

My favorite example of tanning lotion is the Beauty By Earth Organic Self Tanner that you can purchase on Amazon, or you can read my full review here. In fact, Beauty By Earth is the self-tanner I’m basically using exclusively now if you haven’t tried it, do yourself a favor.


Mousses are probably my favorite, and likely are yours as well if you’ve been self-tanning for a while. These typically have a higher alcohol content that allows them to dry faster. With a fake tanning mousse, you can easily cover your entire body quite quickly and achieve a streak-free shine.

This is why Mousses are probably the best option as far as applying self-tanner right before bed. They will dry quickly, and often don’t contain too much guide color or tint.

My absolute favorite Self-tanning mousse (and favorite self-tanner overall) has to be the St. Tropez Bronzing Mousse that you can pick up on Amazon.


Gels are ideally suited for people with normal, or slightly oily skin. They tent to spread extremely well, allowing you to use less self-tanner and achieve more coverage.

Sunless tanning gels are far less common then lotions or mousses, but you will still see them occasionally. A good example of a self-tanning gel would be Clarins Instant Self Tanning Gel.

Glow Pads

Finally, there are pre-soaked pads or towelettes that you can get. My favorite glow pads are actually Tan Towel’s self-tanning towelettes. These are ideal for travel, or if you’re just on the go. Think of them sort of like make-up pads that have been pre-loaded with self-tanner.

There is typically enough on the pad for a full-body application. You do want to make sure that you are thorough with these pads, as it can be easy to not rub them in enough and end up with a streaky tan.

Tips For Sleeping With Your Fake Tanner On

Fake tan, self-tanner, sunless tanner, whatever you call it, they are all a bit different from a spray tan. However, when it comes to going to sleep immediately after, the tips are relatively the same.

Avoid Skin-to-Skin Contact

Self-tanner contains a chemical called DHA, that reacts with dead skin cells and this reaction darkens the outer layer of your skin. If you just put fresh self-tanner on, it’s important to try and not let your skin be pressed together while you sleep, or some of this chemical may transfer and you could end up with blotches of darker color.

So a good rule of thumb when you’re sleeping in fake tan is to not fall asleep with skin to skin contact. A great example of this is that some people like to sleep with one or both hands between their knees. If you tend to do this, try sleeping in loose pajamas, or place socks on your hands to prevent blotching.

Let Your Self-Tanner Fully Dry

Try to give your newly applied self-tanner enough time to completely dry before bed. Not only will this prevent much tint from transferring to your sheets, but it will also prevent smearing of the lotion or gel that could cause streaks or blotchiness.

Sunless tanning mousses dry the fastest, however, any self-tanner will work as long as you give it enough time to fully dry.

Moisturize When You Wake Up

If you read my article on Moisturizing Before You Apply Fake Tan, then you already know what an important step moisturizing plays in the fake tan process. Keeping your skin well hydrated allows the self-tan to apply more evenly, fade more consistently, and last longer.

So after you’ve gone to bed with your sunless tanner on, be sure to apply a good oil-free moisturizer in the morning. Hydrated skin sheds slower, which will allow the tan to last longer, and your skin to look even better.

Ultimately sleeping with your fake tanner on can be a great way to get some great color, without having to wear it all day. Just be sure you use the right kind of self-tanner, and remember the steps I talked about above.

Can you leave 2 hour Express tan on overnight?

The bottle says to leave it on for 2 hours and I've read questions asking if you can leave the 2hr express mousse on all night, and you can. However, most people also think if you leave the product on longer it will end up developing into a deeper tan. But it's not true because there is a max color you will get.

Can I leave St Tropez on longer than 8 hours?

Self Tan should ideally be left to develop between 4 to 8hrs (excluding Express) before showering off the tinted guide color to reveal your natural-looking tan. The developed color will then last between 3 and 10 days, depending on which product was used and how the tan is maintained.

Can you sleep in express self tanner?

Both mousses will leave your skin with the same depth of colour that will last for seven to ten days. Can I sleep in the 2 HR Express Mousse? Yes, you can sleep in all of our mousses. However, we recommend rinsing off in the recommended timeframe to avoid the tan overdeveloping.