Which seeds are good for lowering cholesterol

Flaxseed is small brown coloured seeds that are good for digestion, lowering cholesterol levels, weight management, and improving insulin sensitivity. These seeds are obtained from the flax plant that was first grown in ancient-medieval Egypt and since then has been grown around the world.
Flaxseed is nutty in taste and can be had in its raw form with lukewarm water or it can be spread over smoothies, cereal, cornflakes, ice creams and more. Flaxseed oil is also obtained from the seeds, it is known for lowering inflammation and managing heart health.

Here is a lowdown of how good flaxseed is.


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Digestion: The seeds are extremely rich in fibre that make them really helpful for someone suffering from stomach and gut-related problems such as constipation.

Lowering cholesterol levels: These seeds are known for reducing bad cholesterol or low-density lipoprotein (LDL) that prevents heart strokes and other heart diseases.

Weight management: The fibre-rich seeds make you feel full, which reduces your food and calorie intake.

Improves insulin sensitivity: The ability to not transport glucose to different cells of the body is called diabetes. Multiple research studies have indicated that flaxseed could be beneficial in helping this situation.

You must be wondering how flaxseed is different from other well-known chia seeds. Here is the difference between the two. Both FlaxSeed and Chia Seeds are equal in levels of potassium and protein. Calorie intake with flaxseed is more therefore it is also beneficial to weight management. Omega 3 fatty acids that are essential for the good health of the heart are present excessively in flaxseed.

Read More: Benefits of Sabja seeds and how to consume them for weight loss and more



Chia Seeds


Almost Similar in Both

Almost Similar in Both


Slightly More

Lesser than Flax Seeds


Almost Similar

Almost similar

Omega 3 fatty acids






It is indeed a head-scratching decision to add either one of these two to your diet. But, if you need a diet focused on improving heart health with Omega 3 fatty acids and lowering cholesterol levels then opt for flaxseed. If you feel your diet lacks calcium and fibre then consider buying chia seeds.

Buy Chia Seeds hereBuy Omega 3 Fatty Acid supplements here:

How To Use FlaxSeed?

Get a glass of lukewarm water

Squeeze one half of lemon

Open flax seeds packet and scoop 1 Tsp

Chew the seeds along with drinking water

Repeat this process empty stomach every morning

Step 1: Get a glass of lukewarm water

Lukewarm water is a good medium for consuming any seeds such as chia seeds, flaxseed, sabja seeds and others. A glass of lukewarm water is enough for flaxseed.

True Elements Flax Seeds 500g

1 tablespoon of these seeds is equivalent to your day’s 8% fibre intake. The fibre intake helps in stomach related problems and more. These seeds are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids that make them healthy for heart and hair strength. The Alpha-linoleic acids in the seeds are beneficial for the promotion of healthier skin.

Neuherbs Raw Unroasted Flax Seeds

These are unroasted seeds that make them 100% natural and healthy. These seeds can be used for multiple foods. It can also be spread over desserts, icecreams, smoothies and more. Use these seeds for hair strength, glowing skin and more.

Read More: Flax seeds: Enjoy the health benefits with these raw & roasted seeds

Step 2: Squeeze one half of lemon

Cut a lemon into two halves, get rid of the lemon seeds and squeeze the lemon in the glass containing lukewarm water. This is the easiest way of consuming seeds.

Get nutritious seeds packets here:
Read More:

Raw chia seeds that are perfect for your breakfast, puddings & smoothies

Step 3: Open flax seeds packet and scoop 1 Tsp

Scoop 1 tsp of flaxseed and chew the seeds along with drinking the lukewarm lemon water. These will help soluble fibre that is necessary for proper stomach functioning.

Carbamide Forte Cold Pressed Flaxseed Oil

This flaxseed oil is rich in Omega 3, 6, and 9 which makes it a rich source of nutrients for better heart health. This is pure vegetarian oil, people who may not prefer consuming Omega 3 capsules may choose this oil.

Get flax seeds here:

Sorich Organics Cold Milled Organic Flax Seeds Powder

The powder is essential for promoting good cholesterol and reducing bad cholesterol. It consists of zinc, calcium, prosperity and multiple other nutrients. The powder is obtained from natural and cold pressing techniques. It contains natural essential oils beneficial for hair strength.

Get chia seeds here:

Step 4: Repeat this process empty stomach every morning

Do repeat this process every morning, empty stomach for best results. There are several other ways of consuming flaxseed, Have a look below.

  • You can make a smoothie of flaxseed and fruits. All you need to do is blend them together with milk or curd.
  • Spread over food and desserts
  • Eat them raw as a snack with salt and chat masala
  • Make flaxseed water for yourself and your family

Also Read:Immunity booster drops with extracts of tulsi, turmeric, ashwagandha & more

Other FAQs

  1. What do flax seeds do to blood arteries?
    Flaxseeds are useful in unclogging the arteries that ensure the proper flow of the blood. These seeds also contain Omega 3 fatty acids that reduce inflammation and help in easing high blood pressure conditions.
  2. When is the best time to consume flaxseed?
    The best time to have flax seed is early morning, right after you get up. Having these seeds on an empty stomach is beneficial for the entire digestive system.
  3. How much flaxseed should I consume every day?
    For adults, 2-4 tablespoons of flaxseed are enough. Since they are rich in fibre try avoiding having more than enough quantity.

DISCLAIMER: The Times of India's journalists were not involved in the production of this article.

What is the one fruit that fights cholesterol?

Apples are the best fruit to lower cholesterol. Apples are one of the fruits with the highest amount of fiber, and they contain a specific type of soluble fiber called pectin.

How can I lower my cholesterol naturally in 7 days?

Reduce saturated fats. Saturated fats, found primarily in red meat and full-fat dairy products, raise your total cholesterol. ... .
Eliminate trans fats. ... .
Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. ... .
Increase soluble fiber. ... .
Add whey protein..

Do seeds help lower cholesterol?

Seeds are great sources of fiber. They also contain healthy monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats and many important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. When consumed as part of a healthy diet, seeds can help reduce blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure.

What foods immediately lower cholesterol?

Oatmeal, oat bran and high-fiber foods Soluble fiber is also found in such foods as kidney beans, Brussels sprouts, apples and pears. Soluble fiber can reduce the absorption of cholesterol into your bloodstream. Five to 10 grams or more of soluble fiber a day decreases your LDL cholesterol.